Well crud...

Walther popped an e-mail into my inbox yesterday, and it's causing me no little amount of interest and consternation...

The PPK and the PPK/s is once again being offered in...

.32 ACP.

The .32s have always been great favorites of mine. I have a passel of revolvers chambered in various .32 cartridges and two semi-autos chambered in .32 ACP.

I've always wanted a PP or a PPK in .32 ACP, but have never pulled the trigger on one.

I had, many years ago, a Mauser HSc in .32. Unfortunately it wasn't reliable, so I got rid of it. Even more unfortunately, at the time I wasn't knowledgeable enough to realize that it was probably the magazine that was causing all of the issues.

Now I'm thinking seriously about getting a PPK in .32.

And I just bought an S&W Model 16 in .32 Long.

What with all the recent interest in .32 revolvers, I wondered if anybody was going to catch smart and bring back a .32 auto.
You mean the magazine finger extension?

I personally would like a PP, which is a little bit larger than the PPK, but the darned things are just impossible to find.
Have a stainless Interarms PPK in 32 acp, and a Manurhin PP in 32 acp. Given the choice, would take the Manurhin for it's accuracy. Though the last time i looked, even stainless PPK's in 32 acp had become some what collectible.
Does anyone know if the new .32 ACP PPK/s and PPK's have aluminum or steel frames? My Smith and Wesson PPK/s, .380 ACP is all steel and weighs 23.7 ounces with an empty magazine. The weight specification for the new .32 ACP is 19 ounces. It makes me wonder if they're not aluminum. I would, kind of, prefer steel frames.
I'm happy with my Manurhin PP in 7.65 but if someone offered me what they seem to want for the new ones I'd certainly have to let it go. Of the three German 32acp designs created leading up to WWII I really rate the PP, PPK at the bottom of the bunch with the JP Sauer 38h by far the best.
I'd LOVE to have a 38H, but I've not seen one for sale in decades. And the ones I've seen on line might well be made out of gold for what they're asking for them.

As for the frame material on the new PPK PPK/s guns, I can't find anything on the Walther site that says.
The only indication of an alloy frame is the weight difference between the PPK and PPKS. On the spec sheet the PPK is listed at 22.1 oz. The weight of the PPKS is listed at 19 oz.

The longer gripped pistol is listed as 3.1 oz lighter than the shorter gripped frame?

edited to correct weights
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Oddly enough, I've never actually fired a PPK (though I have fired many related designs and near-clones). Based on the design and reputation, though, it really does look like .32 is the natural caliber for the platform. In .380, I would have to go with the P230, with a little more meat on the same basic bones.
The longer gripped pistol is listed as 3.1 oz lighter than the shorter gripped frame?
The PPK/S has the longer grip. It's the PP frame. The PPK/S is the PPK slide/barrel on the PP frame.

The PP and PPK/S have a solid steel backstrap and a grip that's longer than the PPK. Makes sense the PPK/S would be heavier than the PPK.

On the Walther website, the .380ACP PPK and PPK/S weights are listed as identical, but if you go to the manual, the PPK/S is shown as heavier. Kinda looks like they have trouble keeping their weights straight.
Hmmm, CRUD x 2 -- i have a couple hundred 32 ACP rounds but no 32 ACP pistol. Kind of hoping i don't see one of those PPKs in the wild.
"No, the extended beavertail is what I'm talking about. It really bugs me."

I haven't seen one of the late PP.PPK and PPK/s series but I can tell you my Manhurin PP .32ACP and my German .380 PPK/s will draw blood at the web between my thumb and trigger finger. That beavertail is probably to prevent that from happening.

One of my everyday carry pieces is a Colt Combat Commander .45 ACP and I replaces the stock grip safety with a beavertail type as it too would dig holes in the web of my hand.
Paul B.