Welfare State Solution -

Yes those selfish sick people who are too sick to work. let them all starve to death. Evil Communists. Why not shoot them first. And make them pay for the bullet. The untermensch!
I'm comfortable with the Japanese solution.

Let this be precedent for a Supreme Court that wants to examine "International Doctrine".
OK, what does this say about the man? And the culture?

Once he was cut off from govt aid, he apparently sat around his home, starving, until he died.

Other people, in other parts of the world will commit crimes, steal, even kill to eat, when no other solution is available. This gentleman didn't. He just quietly staved to death, while keeping a diary. Why? Only he knows, but isn't it a Japanese tradition that death is preferable to shame?

Reckon he got what he wanted.
You are quite welcome to give all that you have to whomever you want, just do not expect the government to take from others to fulfill your wishes.
Or, since unlike Japan we do have a "religious tradition of charity", you can give of your time or money to these organizations.

From my limited experience, it seems the organizations that perform the best have NO government involvement.
If those people in government, whose job is to enforce charity at gunpoint and whose efficiencty is .10 t0 .25 cents on the dollar, were out of work then the crime rate would soar.
You are quite welcome to give all that you have to whomever you want, just do not expect the government to take from others to fulfill your wishes.
Or, since unlike Japan we do have a "religious tradition of charity", you can give of your time or money to these organizations.

From my limited experience, it seems the organizations that perform the best have NO government involvement"

Hey, don't give out to me. I agree with you. The only sad and sorry part of this story is that these people felt so ashamed that they felt they had to eff off and starve to death in private. It would have served as a better warning to poor people if they had starved to death in public as a warning to other people never to fall into poverty. Hell, we could all have gathered round and poked them with sticks. Haliburton could have sold the sticks for 2 dollars a pop and helped the economy.

Poverty, the only real capital crime.
Wow, if I was starving and had no money or job the only law I would obey is that of the jungle.