Welcome to Our Newest Moderator

After 2+ years Moderating the Legal Forum, DC has joined the ranks of Administrator at Large. Fear not...she's not leaving us.

There is absolutely no way we can express our gratitude to Dona for her time, her guidance and, most of all, her common sense. Often referred to as the "Soul" of TFL, DC's been with us from the beginning. Suffice it to say that TFL would not exist today, had it not been for her efforts at several critical points.

We'd like to welcome Don Gwinn to the Legal Staff. He'll be working along side Dave (TheBluesMan) and Ian (Law Dog) to carry on the L&P tradition. For those who may not know Don, he teaches 8th grade English in Illinois. While he considers himself "just an average guy with an interest in self-defense and guns", we know him as an insightful thinker, an articulate writer and a damn good man!

In Don's own words:
I was an average small-town kid. I played football, got good grades, and drove too fast. For some reason I was accepted to Monmouth College, which was a frightening little utopia of Socialism and pacifism, but I survived. I also managed to whine and cajole until they gave me a degree and my beautiful wife Melissa agreed to marry me, respectively.

TFL and the people I've met there have been instrumental in my life since I first joined up as Gwinnydapooh. Members have helped me choose weapons, fix weapons, get training and get involved politically.

On behalf of the entire Staff and Membership, we'd like to thank Don for stepping in to help.
Rich Lucibella
You forgot to mention Don's amazing patience with trying personalities and his ability to articulate thoughts in a clear and entertaining manner. DC has a worthy successor.
Welcome aboard, don't worry -- some ibuprofen will take care of that twisted arm quite nicely. :D

Yeah, well, when I signed on, everyone conveniently forgot to mention that I would be trying to be DC's successor, but I'm going to do it anyway. Thanks.
Most exellent!

And thank you both for your service. I have enjoyed the insight, wit and candor of both y'all, and it is due to the moderators at large that this is THE FORUM it is. Carry on, M2
Step on over here Don and THANK YOU Dona! Now I will have to remember to email DG instead of DC when I need a new fish taco recipe :(
I occasionally venture out onto other forums in the seemingly endless cyberspace, and have yet to find another place administered with the grace, civility and posture of TFL. There is, literally, a total of 1 other forum I regularly visit. TFL has become a wealth of information the likes of which I have not encountered before. The archives of this institution are invaluable to me. The staff here has it together, and I, for one, am grateful for it. To all of you.

The poor signal-to-noise ratio on the internet is, IMHO, it's one true flaw. Here at TFL the staff keeps that ratio high. The only real difference between TFL and the gaggle of other childish, insensitive and generally BS firearms-related sites is the staff. The members stay here for the tone and the comraderie of other members, who stayed here because of the tone. And the staff sets the tone. Loudmouth brats either peddle their antics somewhere else or learn to be civil and argue like adults here.

It's quite a sight. [HA! a pun. :)]

- Gabe

Gabe's unsolicited praise-o-grams can be purchased for your very own by sending $50 paypal to awshucks@blush.net

DC is/was great here. You have large shoes to fill, but fill them you will!

Heartiest Congratulations, old gwinny!!
