Welcome Harley!!!

Well, we've been working to get Harley Nolden to join us for about three months now. Harley is a virtual library of firearms information and has already helped many of our Members.

In keeping with our goal of providing the best resources available, Harley is a welcome addition. A very special thanks to Moderator 4V50Gary who has pursued Harley relentlessly at our request! Gary, you should have joined the Canadian Mounties! :)
Rich Lucibella

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited April 15, 1999).]
Thanks to all who have made this possible. I shall endeavor to pass on information as requested from the members. I also want to thank Rick and Gary for their efforts to put this on line, and I look forward to being a part of this group.
Welcome aboard Harley. Your presence here has been long awaited.


[This message has been edited by 4V50 Gary (edited April 15, 1999).]
Yessir! Yessir! Now I can quit dredging up facts (?) from half-remembered magazine articles of too-long ago! Welcome!
Welcome, Harvey. This kind of thing has been needed for some time. I have tried to answer some of the questions, but glad to have an expert aboard. Maybe I can help from time to time.

OH BOY! Another interesting forum that I don't have time to read. :)

Welcome Harley, I've always liked old guns. Maybe now I can learn something.