Welcome Erick G. to TFL as Shotgun Moderator

Well, after helping us get the Shotgun Forum off the ground, Ken Campbell has found himself swamped with other duties. We'd been looking for a replacement Moderator for some time and finally found him in Erick.

Erick's a PlankHolder at TFL, having registered on 10/28/98. He's a Deputy Sheriff out California way, with 10 yrs on. He's also been a Department firearms instructor since 1993.

Erick has trained at Gunsite (250 General Pistol, 260 Shotgun, Masters 270 General Rifle, 499 Advanced Pistol, Advanced Tactics, LE Pistol, Carbine & Shotgun Instructor classes) and with Louis Awerbuck at Yavapai Firearms Academy. Additionally, Erick's taught citizen defensive firearms & CCW classes locally. I had the pleasure of meeting him at the Gunsite Masters Rifle course and I can tell you...he's the real deal.

On behalf of the growing staff, I'd like to welcome Erick to the position. I'd also like to extend my personal apology to Oleg Volk, Mal H, Schmit, Coineach, LongPath, TheBluesMan and LawDog for not having formally introduced them in the same manner. These guys came on board while we were in a bit of overworked turmoil and by the time I'd gotten around to it, they were already well known to most. There is no overstatement in the fact that these guys have literally saved TFL from from meltdown.
Rich Lucibella
Welcome Erick. As a moderator I think that you will find us scattergun shooters a more civil lot than those over in the pistol forum ;) :D With your background, you should be a real asset, and a lot of help to the people asking questions about shotguns, loads, etc. for home defense. I would like to ask if you do any bird hunting or trap/skeet/sporting clays shooting just to get a little better acquainted. Myself, I'm a dedicated pheasant (quail,turkey, praririe chicken, duck, goose) hunter from Nebraska, but also shoot a few rock for practice.
[grumble, grumble]

Now Rich is going to expect ALL Moderators to be as qualified as Erick!

HEY!!! Maybe that means I need Leveling classes! Rich, does this mean that TFL will pay my tuition to Gunsite and Thunder Ranch? As a General Discussion moderator, I feel it would be best if I took, well... ALL of the classes offered. It's a sacrifice, but one I'm willing to make. :) :D

Erick, welcome to the Staff, F.N.G.!

Welcome. I hadn't drop by the Shotfun Forum to often previously but now that your here I'll be popping in more so that I too can become a Serious Social Shotgunner... ;)

HEY RICH I'll only take rifle classes on TFL's Dollar OK?

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Welcome Erick,

It's good to have you here. Shotgun is one of my most frequently lurked forums. I've learned a lot about home defense and shotgun modification here just by reading what others post.

BTW, I'll see you in the Staff Lounge. FNGs have to buy the rest of the Staff a round or ten of Shiner. :D
Welcome, sir! Once you have popped a few flying targets, anything else is just too tame.

I don't post much, but am a frequent "lurker." I look forward to your insight on this forum.

Well, at least you have 870's. And the Browning A5 is a great waterfowling gun.

Just checking to see if we have a real shotgunner or one of those home defense types?

Don't mind me, I would just like to see more discussion about sporting uses of shotguns and less of "which shotgun for home defense" on this site.

I would like to see more shotgun types on this board, you know the type, the Trap Shooter or Duck Hunter who is turned off by all the talk about shooting people. They do exist and we need to get them involved in the RKBA fight. I get tired of hearing "who needs an assault rifle" from clays shooters when I am out shooting Sporting.

I came to this site when Rich posted on the Shotgun Sports BB when he started TFL. I do not see many fellow clays shooters or bird hunters here and that is a shame. This (TFL) is the best source of pro RKBA info on the net.

No offense meant to you, so please do not be offended by my comments.

Geoff Ross
Congrats, Erick, I guess(G). Sounds too much like work to me.Good luck, I know you'll handle it.

One thing(minor rant forthcoming) I'd like to see change. Most threads here are about which shotgun, what to shoot in it, and what mods. I'd love to see more emphasis on training and situational analysis, rather than stuff about bells and whistles.
Under stood, Erick. A moderator should be supervising more than initiating,and remain neutral.

Have a good'un..
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SEAN WILLIAMS:
congrats! Oh, by the way, whats a job like this here pay? :)[/quote]

Well... lets see... do you want us to include TFL provided 500mhz Pentium III Laptop, Cell Phone w/laptop connection, Docking station for home w/cable modem, Automoble, and unlimited American Express Expense Account with our salery? :cool:

Oh, and Erick... your Suburban should be at your dealer by the end of the month.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"