Welcome Dennis as Moderator

On behalf of the entire Staff of TFL, I'd like to welcome Dennis as Moderator of the General Forum. Like so many others, he has been drafted, kicking and screaming, under threat of being forced to read Schumer's memoirs.

Since opening up General to all sorts of topics, it's really exploded. This is, perhaps, the toughest Forum to moderate and we think Dennis has got what it takes.

Thanks, Dennis.
Rich Lucibella
Way to go Dennis! Other than perhaps DC's forum, you've got the toughest one to keep under control. Did'ya ever think you'ld be associated with the word "moderate"?
Best of luck moderating this crowd!

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


About time!
It's a jungle out there, I mean in here.

Good Luck Dennis.

[This message has been edited by Kimber Man (edited August 07, 1999).]

You have my sympathy, but I think just about anything would be better than being forced to read Schumer's memoirs. ;)

Seriously, congratulations and good luck.
Dennis, when you finish Chuckie's memoirs, we have those of the late Sen. Dodd (the author, with the help of the German gun laws, of the GCA'68).

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Thank you, Rich. (I think...)

And thanks to all for your encouragement.

This is NOT a job for one person. Let's remember "The Firing Line" has to do with guns and gun-related subjects. (Okay, SOMEtimes a thread "just for fun". ;) )

As you all know, my personal goal is uniting gun owners to ensure our rights are not further diminished or totally lost. There are many different approaches to this goal and fairly evaluating each approach is useful. All I'd ask is that we work toward our common goal - the return of our government to Constitutional rule which will ensure both our gun rights and our way of life.

If we disagree among ourselves, that's fine. Let's agree to disagree agreeably. If we disagree violently, let's take it to e-mail. Let's avoid name-calling and degrading each other "on the record". Remember, The Firing Line is a public bulletin board. Other folks can download your post - sometimes before you can edit or delete it!

When (not "if") I screw up, my e-mail is on my every post. E-mail me. We'll work it out as we have in the past.

I hope to have your support. Something tells me I'll need it! :)

Let's keep our eyes on the prize!
Congratulation Dennis,

I have always enjoyed your input and sincerely feel that your new status as moderator is an accolade you deserve.

Again Saludos,

To the man whose triumph over the Witch shall live forever in the annals of badgered folks everywhere, good luck and welcome aboard.


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Dennis is in charge? HOLY COW! I'm in for it now. :D

Seriously though, good choice and good luck.
BTW: don't forget, if ya need us, ya got plenty of back up.
Wise, restrained, passionate and poetic.....a fine choice.

Of course you'll get an ulcer and vapor lock, but its a good cause :)

Glad ya accepted

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Oh great!

Now only members in favor of third party candidates will be able to post. :)

Congrats Dennis!

[This message has been edited by Bill F (edited August 08, 1999).]
all right....go get em Dennis,,,,,,,,,,finally something to keep him from picking on republicans...sheesh....lol.... :) :) ;)....fubsy.

lol...remember, moderator hat on, moderator hat off...lol...fubsy.

[This message has been edited by fubsy (edited August 08, 1999).]

I thought that for your lucid, reasoned, logical, impassioned, erudite postings you might get some sort of reward ....

But why are you being punished like this????

Seriously, couldn't think of a better person for the task.

Congrats, mate.
