weird shots


New member
it was a year ago i was 13 we had to put down a bull so i got the job we had a 243 and a 30 06 they said the 243 will take it down 1 shot if i hit it good people claim to do that with i 22 i shot it 8 times with a 243 in the head then i went to the 30 06 i shot it 4 times before it droped and died the 30 06 hit the bull so hard in the head you could see the snow fly off of him from his head to the tip of the tail now i dont beleive anyone could kill a full grown bull with a 22lr. Anyone els have weird storys?
The standard slaughtering procedure is to shoot it in the forehead with a 22 which knocks him out ,then you slit it's throat........So one time I did that with a 9mm to a 550 lb calf. He went down immediately and I quickly stepped foreward to slit it's throat. He then jumped up and charged me !! Fortunately he was still tied up so I was saved .I sure was surprized and the owner stood there and laughed !!:D

I have mentioned steer killing with a .22 on other threads here. But I remember the first time.

I was about ten or eleven. My dad said I could witness the dropping if I wanted to. He did not push me or twist my arm, he left it up to me.

It was one of his larger steers. He was close to nine hundred pounds. The guy my dad hired did this professionally. He took out an old, beat up single shot .22 rifle. He instructed my dad to place a pail of oats on the ground in front of the animal. The guy stood about a dozen feet in front of the pail. The steer went to the pail and lowered his head into it. A shot rang out and this animal dropped as though its feet were yanked out from underneath. I was amazed that such a small bullet could kill such a large animal so quickly.

I also think dad wanted me to see the devastaion that a bullet, no matter how small or harmless looking it is, is capable of doing. That incident inspired me to always be super safe with any gun. I figured if a .22 can kill a beef, imagine what it could do to a person, even by accident.
well it was this year i was just 14 and i got a chance to shoot a bear i shot it, it was down so we went to go see it and it got up and started to walk away then i finished it with another shot the next day we went to go get it and it was drug in the bush and eatn:eek: we had 6 bears on the same quarter so we had to eliminate some what would drage a bear far in a bush and eat it. my dad was setting up some blinds for goose hunting and a brown bear was looking at him from 40 yards at 3 o clock in the day! Then we shot another bear but that one droped like a rock i hurd you can get a sick from eating bear if it has samanila or somthing like that:eek:

8 times with a 243 and 4 times with a 30-06!!! Was this cow wearing kevlar or what. A .22 to the head at close range should have atleast dropped it for the mean time if not for good. I think we better work on the shot placement before we think about a Kodiak or Moose.:eek:
12 shots, huh... I think somebody needs a bit of practice. Sounds to me like it was either bad shot placement or bad ammo, or both... Hope to god you weren't using Full Metal Jacket. :eek:

I actually agree with trooper... learn to shoot better before you go shooting at animals... practice on nice, safe paper targets. I'd hate to hear "i shot at a deer with a 50 caliber rifle and it ran off" from you.
no it wasnt full metal jacket this is probably why the 30 06 didnt do the job to well since it has a scope it has to be zerode at wut ever but i dought the scope was zerode at 15yrds but when we checked out the bull the shot placment was good all in the head right between the eyes center of his for head but the head does weigh wut 200 pounds

SHOT PLACEMENT IS EVERYTHING. Make a cross from each ear to each eye and the X marks the spot. My sks puts down a bull easy in one shot. Just gotta know where to hit him
Its quite possible the added velocity actually hindered the bone penetration. For example a .22 LR can penetrate auto glass rather easily, but the .223 is known for bouncing right off at an angle. I know for a fact that when it comes to bone penetration and crushing/destroying, it has nothing to do with kinetic energy really. Velocity is not as big a factor as mass.
Make a cross from each ear to each eye and the X marks the spot."

I always thought it was an inch or so above the X
Yesterday 07:25 PM
Tho they're not Einstein, their brain is big enough that both spots'll reach it, particularly if you catch it with it's head in a feed bucket like Roy said.