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Weird Redirect

This is gonna be one for tyme, I'd wager.

The poll is numbered as 3184, the same as the thread being redirected to. I looked, and I can't tell what's going on with enough certainty to suggest a fix.

[mumbles]...Dang sloppy VB code...[/mumbles]
No idea here, and from the annals of "Duh!" the poll/thread number thing is obviously a good place to start.

The votes do get counted even if we get redirected elsewhere afterward.
Oh No yikes a browser hijacking.Just joking:p,but yes same here through me off a bit and I was:confused:which is not hard to do anyways.:D
It's contagious. Go vote in another poll, see where you land. Responded to a poll on where I shoot, was just time shifted to 2000.
Makes no sense. The redirect URL is somehow getting set to blahblah?t={pollid}. The pollid is 3184. The threadid is 361680. There's nothing strange about that poll as far as I can tell, and if something were broken in the php, all polls should be redirecting to the wrong threads.

(t=x is supposed to mean x is a threadid. p=x is supposed to mean x is a postid.)

A quick check of the php shows nothing strange (not that there should be, there are very few php code changes because they're tough to maintain across upgrades), and the url looks like it gets set properly to t={threadid}, not t={pollid}.


I'll keep an eye out, but right now I'm lumping this in with crop circles and ball lightning.
Tyme said:
redirect URL....t={pollid}...something were broken in the php, all polls should be redirecting to the wrong threads....php code changes...url looks like it gets set properly to t={threadid}, not t={pollid}

I, uh.... that LOOKS like English but, I, uh.....hmm.

Tyme said:
I'm lumping this in with crop circles and ball lightning.

Oh! Right! So, weird, like I said.:D;)
I thought it was me that broke TFL! :D This happened to me when I voted after I set up the poll (I'm the OP) but thought it was just a glitch.

Might it have something to do with the fact that I created a multiple-choice poll?
Nope, 'twasn't you. If you could mess up a redirect by creating a multiple choice poll, we would have seen it years ago.

Like tyme implied, and peetzakilla said, it's just weird with no known explanation.
I moved the posts that were responding to the poll to the proper thread, deleted the others, and locked the old thread.

I think the poll thread should be closed and a new one started if necessary. Opinions? CortJestir?
Everybody that voted and was redirected created an alternate time line. Just to let you know, you all owe me money in this time line.
Just to let you know, you all owe me money in this time line.

OH yeah, I do owe you $50 don't I.... I'll just be needing back that Dan Wesson CBOB I let you borrow in this timeline, and I'll send you the money ASAP!:D;)