Weird holster science :)

Jim March

New member
A few years ago I was invited to a gun nut/knife knut event in rural Arizona. Open-carry guns were to be the order of the day.

Well, I didn't have a holster. Plus I wanted to bring along two different guns, one so small I was worried that even holstered, it would be too easy belt-length for a jacket to swing down over it and get me in legal trouble. Given my lawsuit adventures, I couldn't risk that.

I had some good leather laying around, some black leather stain, leather lace and a few silver decorations that I'd planned on using on something else - they were on sale at a local leatherworking supply place (Tandy Leather in San Mateo, Calif).

Net result after a few hours:


Big = J-frame size .38spl, Charter Undercover.

Small = 4-shot .22Mag Freedom Arms SA minirevolver, 1.5" barrel.

It may not be obvious, but there's a strip of leather with a hole in it that hangs on the minirevolver's hammer. In turn, it's attached to a length of 1/4" bungee that runs down along the mini's topstrap. That way, you can yank the "retention" off pretty quickly, not speed-draw grade of course, and until then it holds the mini in securely.

I was originally going to do the same for the .38, but I got the tension high enough elsewhere that a straight upward draw was secure enough.

The back side shows the belt slots and some extra lace tied back there just as extra in case everything needs to be re-tensioned.

The two silver medalions cover the tension lacing tie-downs.


It works really well :). I carried it a few weeks ago at a plinking session at a friend's ranch with some invited local always gets some commentary :). Won't be of any tactical use once I score CCW but it'll be handy for range qualification time and such.

Who else does strange homebrew holsters?

I made one for an old cap and ball Philly Derringer out of some Tandy remnants myself a number of years ago. Mine's so butt-ugly I wouldn't dream of making anyone look at it though :D
I think the pound, pound, pound sip, pound, pound, pound sip, pound, pound, pound sip, had a lot to do with it. ;)

*pound= hit the tool to make the lace hole.
*sip= hit the "w/a splash of water"
Leather working is thristy work :D

I like the silver ornaments on there Jim. How'd you attach them, and what kind of backing is there to keep them from scratching the guns?
Many, many moons ago ('bout 1970), I bought a starter kit from Tandy Leather Company called "Lucky 13" or somesuch and really took a liking to leatherwork. Here's some of the holsters I've made for myself over the years, these are all hand tooled, hand laced, and hand stitched, no machine work was involved on any of them. 1st shot is, L to R, S&W M19, Ruger Bearcat, Colt Ace/1911, Colt Diamondback, Ruger Mk1, and Erma Excam (or Walther) at the bottom.

Next is a TC Super 14 and an Interarms Virginian Dragoon "roughout". (the piece of leather I had wasn't shaped right to make it smooth side out)

And lastly is a loopless pocket holster for Sterling, Jennings, Raven or similiar sized autos.

Due to a fun & entertaining probation thing I've got going right now :barf:, I won't be making anymore til after 3-1-04 as I can't be in possession of firearms or munitions til after that date. :(

(edit) OK, I'm confused. It won't link up correctly and post the graphics... the img codes look correct...??
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Twenty some years ago...

in a desert environment, I made a "dangle" holster. It fit completely inside the trousers, and depended from a strap to the belt.

To draw, one sticks one's hand in one's pants. It is unconventional...... I don't have a picture. It carried a Star BKM.

Also made a front pocket holster for M36 Smith. Numerous other "conventional" types that were fitted to the user.

It's a fun hobby. After a while, I even quit cutting myself.
Years ago I started with a model 10 shoulder holster and converted it to a deep deep conceal crotch holster for 2" J frame. Worked great. Right now a 3" J frame is in leather pocket holster, back pocket. Beemerb took pity on my pocket J and made it for me. Works great. He did it rough side out so holster stays put when drawin.
