I recently ordered a Springfield XD45 (compact 4inch model in OD green/black) from Grabagun. I went to pick up the gun at my local FFL today, and when I opened the package I immediately realized they had shipped the wrong gun to me. The pistol they sent was the XD45, but in Dark Earth and with full-size grips. However, the mag in the package was for the compact model and wouldn't even snap all the way into the gun. To top it off, the model type/serial on the outside of the Springfield case was different from the one on the gun itself. I immediately called Grabagun to figure out what was going on. They were quick to rectify their mistake, so in no way am I bashing their customer service. But it seems to me that this is a pretty big mistake for a gun dealer to be making. There could've potentially been a gun on the streets with no record of purchase. Big Brother would have a heart attack. Thoughts?