Weird dream


Staff Alumnus
Dream I had last night has to be at the top of the list for weirdness.

I went to my usual reloading outfitter to get a deer tag. "Sorry," they said, "we don't do deer tags any more."

Next place I went, same thing. And the next. And the next. Then I woke up, depressed and angry.

And I don't even *hunt* deer!

& what did the deer look like in the dream?Usually if you can't do something in your dream, you get to look at it. They didn't look like Janet Reno did they? (shudder the thought!)

Guard Freedom from those that "want to do it for the Children."
Gipper, I never saw a deer, just dealers shaking their heads. If I saw a deer that looked like J Reno, I'd pull a .50BMG with APIT rounds out of my bag-o-tricks. :)
It's strange, but I know of two guns shops who no longer sell hunting or fishing licenses or even stock the regs. Thank God K-Mart and Wally-World still do. The gun shops said it was too much bother. Game tags are given out by lottery draw. The system sucks!
Paul B.