Weekend Work


New member
Friday night I sat in a stand that I knew had activity on it. Started the evening with a spike coming in and sniffing around. He wandered all the way down to the stand, considered pulling the knife out and Ramboin' him but it was too early to go to the ER.

About the time that one left a nice young 6 came in, heavy mass in the horns just wasn't a big deer and was about 12" wide. He made a scrape by the feeder and fiddled around for a while.

As soon as the 6 left, a 4 walked out and pees in the scrape the 6 had made. He milled around a while, wandered off and the next thing I know he's under the stand. I counted coup on his butt by putting the Grizzly LC Wintergreen stamp on his back. Little fellow never reacted.

Snuck out of the stand late.

Saturday morning I snuck back into the same stand, knowing that was a hot area of the club. At 7:10 or so I was glassing when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. Next thing I see is this fellow 40yds head down from the stand. Got switched around since he was on my offhand and I was already standing. As I put the Trijicon on him, he had looked up and was in launch mode when I sent the 150grn BT in his boiler room. He's tearing off through the cutover and I know he's hit. I heard him crash out there but didn't see where. Let it settle for 20-30 minutes before I got down to got look. Not a drop of blood anywhere. I knew I'd popped him though by the way he was running. I started gridding off the cutover and working back and forth. About 200yds in I decided to double back and start over. I had the phone in my hand to call my wife and have her meet me in Georgetown with Ida when I looked at what almost looked like an ant mound. Went over to it and there he laid. Not a speck of blood anywhere.

The bullet entered at the rear of his shoulder and transversed the body, exiting on the opposite side in a quarter size hole that plugged up with gut. Pulled him into the gator and what must have been bucket full of blood came out.

He ain't bad, I've shot 3 8pts in the same area over the last 3 years, every one of them weighed in at 146lbs.



I had told my boys that when it cooled off some I would take them. So, Sunday was the day. My wife needed a break and my boys had been doing everything I told them to. Off we went, I had two stands I could take them to. One was way back in the club and the other was right by camp. They love to ride in the Gator so I knew they'd take the furthest one. They assured me the could be still and quiet so being a gullible dad, I took them at their word.

Still and quiet lasted no more than 10 seconds in the stand. 1 minute in Cullen was talking. 10 minutes in they were both as fidgety as a hooker in a confessional. Snacks were consumed by them, I really was not aware nabs could be eaten that loudly.

Amazingly they got quiet long enough for me to make out a buck grunting off to my right. I pulled out my grunt and answered back, he came back closer but that was it. Cullen had decided that the grunt call was one of the funnier noises he'd heard and went to giggling. He's got one of those laughs that sort of gets everyone going, I tried not to, big bro tried not to but it didn't work. We were all laughing at that point.

About 30 minutes later we had gotten things back in order, still more noise than you need, constant talking, wanting to leave, wanting to know when they deer were coming, what had I shot something yet, etc. We had a couple walk up on a ditch behind us, the boys settled a bit and I thought we had a shot. Then Jack farted on one of those plastic chairs, I don't think the noise ran them off, nor the awful smell emanating from it. I'm pretty sure that came from the 4yo laughing uncontrollably which pretty much got all of us rolling.

We hung out until dark. They spent about 2.5hrs in a stand and did pretty good for what it was. It's about the memories and making it fun for them. One of these days we'll get a deaf, stupid, hungry deer to step out in front the the laughing crowd.


Great story and great job, congratulations. I dearly miss when my boys were that young and doing the same things as yours are!
Man that is awesome. You just can't beat those days.

My daughter wanted to go out a couple weekends ago. We sat in my blind I set up for us. I figured we wouldn't see anything. Well it was good for a bit and then she took a nap. She woke up and I hadn't seen anything moving yet. She stood up to stretch and was taking pictures holding my bow. It was a fun morning even if we didn't see a deer. Never pass up those times even if you don't see deer
CANNOT for the life of me remember laughing nearly this hard at any post at TFL Forums. Terrific recap and I'm still chuckling. :D
Nice four point. Around here a four point dresses out at 93 pounds so you must have better feed. And those memories you will have forever to treasure.
Nice four point. Around here a four point dresses out at 93 pounds so you must have better feed.

Dang small deer 93 pounds. I am in VA now and miss PA where I grew up. My buddy just shot an 8 pointer Saturday. He hung it and boned it out to make sausage and snack sticks. He got 71 pounds of meat out of it.