Weekend Assignment...Pop Quiz Monday


Moderator Emeritus
Watch "Patton"

A Nazi is a Nazi is a Brownshirt is a Schumer is a Feinstein, et al

My VCR is locked and loaded
Now there's an assignment I can look forward to with eager anticipation!


p.s. - I keep hearing about your "Rosie" site. Care to give the URL? Thanks.

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
Sorry, DC. I cheated. I just watched it a few days ago. I especially like Patton's opinion of the Russians. Things haven't changed much in 50 years...

I wasn't here. You didn't see me. Nobody can prove anything...
Well, if what I know about school holds true in here, the teacher hasn't seen it yet, and I'll be able to get full credit for it when I turn the work sheet in on Wendsday


Self improvement is a hobby of mine :)
Sorry, I don't have a TV, so completing the assignment wasn't possible for me.

How about if I post an old Patton quote (from real life) instead?

"Only a New Orleans pimp would carry a pearl-handled revolver." --Gen. Patton, after being asked by a journalist about his "pearl-handled" (actually ivory) revolver.

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
Hey, Miss Crabapple! Where's the quiz? I stayed home all weekend and studied real hard!

"Mr. President, We cannot ALLOWWWWW a Mine Shaft Gap!" -oops, sorry, wrong movie. That's Dr. Stangelove!

I had an assignment once with an armored outfit who to a man idolized General Patton.
The best quote they attributed to him was "Keep moving til you hear glass,smell s**t or see blood".

I sort of get a visual on that

Better days to be,
