Wedgwood (I got married there) & Algore


New member
Dear fellow shooters and gun-owners

I am an active member of the Wedgwood Baptist Church. I really wish I had been there yesterday, since the HydraShocks off my Webley would have at least slowed the guy down. Needless to say, my wife & I are devastated. But this is not what I wanted to talk about.

I saw Algore on Larry King Live tonight and it just infuriated me! He used Fort Worth as a shameless launching pad for his puny gun-control agenda. He even tried (in vain)to get Pastor Al Meredith to speak out against guns. And then, just to look "fair", King interviewed (read "grilled") Wayne La Pierre about the usual rethoric of why we need certain guns &c &c....

But the tip of the pyramid was that Gore, as always, claimed to speak "for the American People". He was condescending, cocky, and as always belittled our faction by saying "don't worry, we won't take any hunting guns away"...

Well, guys and gals! Let's show them that we are well informed and that his pandering to the hysteric and the misinformed is only going to get his campaign further into the fudge!

Please, e-mail Gore at and let him know what the American People really think about gun control vs keeping people in jail!!

But, before that, read his official web-site at and check out his hypocrisy!!!! Bear in mind that he was just instrumental in releasing about a half-dozen convicted FALN convicted terrorists, who, among other things, had run up a list of GUN VIOLATIONS as long as Clnton's tart list.

Please, speak up. Let the guy know that his statements may go unchecked by that peabrain Larry King who is too senile to see past his nose, but not by us, who are the heirs of the funding Fathers and the glorious ideas they passed on to us.

E-mail!! Shoot back!!! (figuratively speaking, of course)

I am very sorry to hear about the folks in your church. Is that is your church that had that murderer open fire in you say? The surviving members must be devestated. I trust that the ones that went on before us trusted Christ as thier Savior and are in heaven now, and my prayers are w/the family members. (Anyone wondering, look up St. John 3:15-18 and I Cor. 15:1-5)

I'm not wanting you to reveal any info that would lead to someone getting in trouble with one of Al G's friends. I was just wondering though. Do you think that there will be more folks that w/ carry in church now, even w/out a state permission slip? Do you think that we have more to be concerned with the govt confiscating firearms eventually OR another madman doing the same in your church? We are not in your shoes, so its easy for us to play armchair quarterback. I want to know from someone who this hits home with. I respectfully would like your opinion, sir.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
416Rigby, let me add my condolences on the loss of friends.

I was thinking, if we're gonna write Algore, why don't we remind him of another Texas church shooting, one that occurred in '93 in Waco. Why not remind Algore that his boys were the madmen in that little massacre, and that his boys have been lying and covering up ever since? Why not remind good ol' Al that under his administration federal gun law convictions have virtually dropped off the charts? Why not ask Mr. Gore exactly how an increase in violent crime helps his party?

And don't forget to tell Al who you're not voting for.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
We can not begin to feel the angush and suffering you are going through. Rest asured our hearts and prayers go out to you, your family, the familys of the slain along with the entire Wedgwood congregation.
Thought you might like to read the email I just sent to algore....


I have been reading about your recent comments on guns vis-a-vis the recent shooting incidents. As much as I abhor the acts committed against defenseless people, the key word here is DEFENSELESS. If even ONE of the people around the shooters had been carrying a gun, and had had the will to use it, these mass killing incidents might have turned out much differently.

First, allow me to state FOR THE RECORD that I am a LIFELONG ("middle-of-the-road") Democrat. However, that being said, I can not condone your somewhat wild-eyed statements made on restricting "assault ammunition" (whatever that is...) and further restricting gun ownership/purchase.

In the most recent shooting incident (the church), the gun owner had LEGALLY obtained his weapons. Can you explain how any of YOUR proposals (other than an ammunition ban) would have affected ANY of this person's activities? CRIMINALS DO NOT CARE about the laws of our country. They do as they please. WHY do you find it necessary to PUNISH law-abiding citizens (subjects?) with more layers of B.S., while at the same time allowing the release of FALN terrorists, who have (as I understand it) amassed a truly EPIC string of fireamrs regulations. Why did your Administration allow the importation of ONE MILLION Chinese-made FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPONS, when our military does NOT USE THEM. Who are they for? Why was the importation allowed?

Why, under Clinton/Gore, have federal gun law convictions declined to essentially ZERO? And while all this is going on, you have the STONES to call for MORE gun restrictions on the rest of us? Last time I checked, you had to take an oath to "support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States...." (It's the SAME oath *I* took when I served in our contry's armed forces.) Also worthy of note, the SECOND AMENDMENT says "...the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."

These are the same PEOPLE that are outlined in other amendments.

BTW, at WACO, the GOVERMENT AGENTS were the criminals; lying, covering up evidence, murdering citizens, and ILLEGALLY using MILITARY UNITS against CIVILIANS. Now (interestingly), several Delta Force members who were allegedly at the scene are DYING en masse... Hmmmm..... "Dead men tell no tales" perhaps? If this kind of thing continues, and goes unpunished, eventually this nation will see another revolution. Millions will die, as the "government" tries to exterminate its dissenters. (Remember "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the ties....."?)

I SUPPORTED YOU. I FEEL CHEATED! Your administration has CONSISTENLY LIED to us, on EVERYTHING. You have MURDERED people! (I NEVER thought MY BELOVED COUNTRY could stoop so low as to behave like COMMUNIST CHINA!!!) I can NO LONGER in good conscience vote the Democratic ticket. Not in 2000, and perhaps NOT EVER. (Not that the Republicans are any BETTER, but they might not make so many blatant attempts to kill private citizens, and take away or IGNORE their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

I am ASHAMED of you sir. I am ASHAMED of your administration. I am ASHAMED of the Democratic party. I CANNOT vote for you. Ever.

Dennis Olson
(A new Republican, thanks to YOU)


Think he'll ever see it?
Excellent letter Dennis...precise and hit all the points. Well done.

In answer to your question....nope, he'll never see it ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Dear All,
Thank you for the moral support. God bless you all. Nice letter, Dennis. It's time these people knew that they cannot rely on misinformation, lies, half-truths and plain hysteria to play political football with our rights, especially in moments like these.

To answer your question, Equalizer, it's not an easy one! Fortunately for us in Texas, the law prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons in places of worship has recently and ironically been loosened. Still, the moral dilemma you intelligently pose here is a pretty tough one.
I can tell you my personal, subjective answer.
If I was ever in a place where a suicidal maniac decided to take as many lives before turning a gun (and let's suppose it's a gun and not a bomb or some other form of instrument of death)on himself, I would want to be armed. It's human nature to 1) Defend one's own life 2) Try and protect those dear or known to you and 3)Stand up against something blatantly and uncompromisingly wrong like the killing of innocents.
Another consideration: If I were unarmed, and my wife (who is with me most of the time), or some of my friends, or even a helpless stranger were to get killed while I stared impotently, I know that I could not live with the overwhelming emotions and I would obsessively think "if only I had had my gun" for the rest of my life.
I would rather be there, distract the guy's attention from the HELPLESS and DEFENCELESS and aim as best as I can.
This is an answer that comes from a still grieving heart, but something like this happening in your backyard makes you truly appreciate the right of self-defence. Today we are burying a young girl, Kim, whom we all loved like a sister. If only one of us, with our legally concealed handguns, had been there.....

Thank you again for the prayers and the support. You all are a really good bunch!
Rigby, please accept my condolences and best wishes.

Its been a busy day and I can't remember right now where I read the following this morning:
A fellow objected to CCW, with Wedgewood being the focal point, because (get this)...someone may have shot back at the gunman and accidently hit or killed an innocent bystander!!! You have a person who is in the act of indiscrimately shooting people, killing them, and this speaker is against defense because someone else may be potentially hurt....nevermind that it would stop the real killing that is occurring, nevermind that the gunman may turn his gun on the defender shooting back and thereby allowing unarmed innocents a chance to get away. Apparently it is better to allow the real killing to continue and rack up the body count until the gunman gets tired?
Amazing, disappointing and truly disheartening.
Again Rigby...God bless you and yours

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Keep the Faith,Rigby.Try to help the others out.Every member of a church is family.
Stay Safe.
Hiya .416 Rigby and all,

I stood with this man during his wedding and let me tell you that I wish me, my Benelli Super 90, and my Smith & Wesson M-657 .41 Magnum had been around that night to welcome that coward who would go out of his way to prey on defenseless teenagers.

He wouldn't have made it out of the damn church...I can tell you that!

There is never a reason to prey upon those who cannot defend themselves for whatever reason. As armed and law abiding citizens, I feel it is our responsibility to protect those who cannot protect matter what their religion, race, or belief system.

It's simple human decency.

- Anthony (the crazy Italian with a .41 Magnum)

"Civilized people are taught by logic, barbarians by necessity, communities by tradition, and the lesson is inculcated even in wild beasts by nature itself. They learn that they have to defend their own bodies and persons and lives from violence of any and every kind by all the means within their power."

- Marcus Tullius Cicero

My heart goes out to you and your congregation. I had attended a church several years back that also had a shooting by someone bearing a grudge. The shooter was actually a member of the church. Two people were killed in that shooting. I truly believe in my heart that many more would have been killed had there not been an armed person in the congregation at the time.

I can only offer my prayers and the knowledge that eventually some of the hurt does get mended.