Websites to order Sure Fire lights?


New member
Does anyone know of good websites that have good prices on Sure Fire flashlights? I'd like to get a 12PM.
I would second the vote for streetpro and I don't even work there...Keep up the good job guys.

I would third the StreetPro recommendation but....I called you guys a couple of days ago and left a message re: SureFire 6Z and the newer 12 volt models and have yet to hear back.

Having done business with StreetPro before, I have faith. Everyone deserves a day off now and again.
Rich, I didn't do the last message check, but I didn't receive your message. If you still have a question, please email me directly and I'll personally handle your request.

Every now and then, the two of us get really swamped and can't respond with the speed we'd like. Remember that we are just a couple of guys trying to tip the odds in favor of the Good Guys and put a little food on the table every now and then. (And take the girl out to dinner once in a while.)

Thanks for your patience, and give me a call or send an email.


Tim (still wiped from the Pomona Show)
Street Smart Professional Equipment
No problem. You guys have a history of great service. Many, including myself, are in your debt. Didn't mean to make it sound otherwise.