(Website) The Unarmed Citizen


New member

This guy is taking the reverse tack of the NRA's "Armed Citizen" by listing news reports of unarmed people attacked by the BGs.

Small list now (looks like a startup), but you know it's gonna get bigger.

Probably a good one to send the Eloi to.

[This message has been edited by Oatka (edited July 01, 2000).]

TFLese for sheeple.

Reference to the Eloi of Jules Verne's "The Time Machine" wherein the Eloi were fattened up and then calmly went to the slaughterhouse when the air raid siren went off, where the Morlocks waited for them.

A comparison to the non-gun owners who aren't antis, but I'll warrant some hunters and couch gun owners fit that description also.

I think it started here: