Weaver RV7 parallax


Just purchased a Weaver RV- 7 rimfire scope 2.5 – 7, 28mm. I was never able to officially determine the parallax setting of the scope before ordering. Ordered it anyway thinking that if it is a rimfire scope, it’s probably set for around 50 yards.. Best I can tell from the directions received with the scope, the parallax is set at 100 yards. 95 % of any shooting I do will be at or around the 50 yard mark. I’m new at this and not sure how much of a problem the parallax will be. Do I need to have the parallax re-set to 50, return the scope, or not be concerned? Thanks.

I looked all over their site, but did not find anything nor did I find any info on sites that were selling the scope. Never thought about the catalog having it and the site not.

Thanks for the help. It's a relief knowing it's set at 50.
I have an RV-7 Weaver on a 22 rifle, and it is supposed to have the parallax set for 50 yards. I never checked it, but never noticed any parallax problems shooting the rifle at 50 yards. Their shotgun scopes are supposed to have the parallax set for 75 yards.
A very few companies do set their shotgun scopes to be parallax free at 75 yards but Weaver isn't one of them. Take a look at the link to the catalog pdf I posted above. Weaver uses the more common setting of 50yds for its shotgun scopes. BTW big Weaver fan here. I have a T24 on my CZ453, V24 for one of my tricked out 10/22s, a RV9 for a class styled 10/22 build, and a Classic Shotgun for my 9433.