Weaponshield Oil and Solvent review


New member
Weaponshield oil has been around a few years now and has a good reputation with most anyone who has tried it. I ordered a oiler pen, 16oz bottle and 4oz bottle of the new solvent on a whim after asking the owner a few questions.

There are many good gun oils on the market and most of us won't be able to tell an extreme difference just by shooting. But here is my experience so far contrasted with previous oils.

My first observation was that Weaponshield goes very far. Much further than rem oil obviously and more than break free maybe as well. Using less than an 8th of an ounce I fully lubed a dry BCG and 2 pistols. Neither does it dry out. I left a drop on a piece of metal outside and after spreading out a couple inches it's still there 2 weeks later.

Just through applying it on all my guns and some light shooting it honestly reminded me of an improved break free in that it was just a little smoother. Lasted a bit longer when applied thinly etc. But I really wanted to test it.

So as I can't afford to dump hundreds of rounds through my AR to really test it to its limits. I did worse much worse. I hosed down my Ruger 22/45 with brakeleen until completely dry. Heavily lubed the whole pistol. Ran a patch down the barrel. And then shot the nastiest ammo known to man. Remington thunderbolts, 875 of them.

I had one dud but no malfunctions until 375 rounds with no cleaning. At this point I had a few bullets start to keyhole. I noticed I had chunks of lead in the barrel so I ran a patch through which came out black with lead chunks. No malfunctions until after 850 rounds I got a jam where the bolt closed on a spent shell after I cleared that I shot the remaining 25 rounds issue free. By this point there was actually a lead lip sticking out of the barrel and the inside of the gun looked like the filthy 14 but the bolt and gun were still wet inside and there was no sludge like break free always made which was my reason for switching away from it.

Most the carbon actually wiped right off with no scrubbing except for bolt face and crevices. Weaponshield claims to prevent leading but thunderbolts aren't really a fair test they have clogged barrels in far less shooting and mine cleaned up easily

The solvent was what I was most surprised about though, the oil has a good reputation so I had a pretty good idea what to expect. Billed as a non toxic solvent it has no reviews out at all I had no idea what to expect I only ordered a bottle out of curiosity. I was impressed though. All my clean guns it pull a slight amount of dirt out but when brushed and allowed to sit I got a filthy patch out of every gun I own. I got some the cylinder rings of a old model 66 when cleaning the bored and noticed it lightened the rings when wiped off

so I soaked it overnight and scrubbed with a bronze brush for the rings to lighten some more

I finally attacked it for a couple minutes with a scotchbrite pad that evening out of boredom and the rings were completely removed I was stunned

In addition to test the degreasing ability George Fennel the creator said it had I sprayed it on some cosmoline. While it wiped clean light coatings it didn't melt it on contact like brake cleaner so I sprayed inside my oil can which actually has chunks of cosmoline dried inside. And an hour later the cosmoline poured out. So it really do will what claimed

Fast forward to the filthy 22/45 those carbon chunks that hung on were hosed down and wiped clean fairly easily. In addition excluding getting my rod stuck in the bore I managed to brush the lead out within a minute.

Is it better than hoppes9, ed's red etc? I truthfully have no idea. What I do know is it simply works and is non toxic. It also leaves a coating of weaponshield which is nice.

Typed on my phone as I am away from my computer but I thought a review was deserved. In short both products perform very well and I would recommend them.