"Weapons and Tactics" newsletter a fraud?


New member
I wasn't sure which forum was most appropriate for this, forgive me if I am wrong.

I, and others, subscribed to the newsletter\magazine called "Weapons and Tactics" and have never received an issue or confirmation of subscription. They cashed my check very fast but I have not heard anything from them. I cannot find a phone number and there is no information on the internet about them and their publisher does not reference them or is not on the web itself.

This newsletter appears to be a hoax. Am I wrong, if so I apologize. Has anyone else been suckered by these folks?

Buyer beware! I am posting on other boards also.
Did you pay with a personal check or a money order? I don't have experience with that publication, but I have heard about quite a few scammers in my day. I have also heard that if you paid with a Postal Money Order, you can have them prosecuted for mail fraud.
If the solicitation came by mail, you still have a case of mail fraud, I believe.

What's a Glock, I appreciate the way you presented your case. Instead of assuming and accusing, you asked the obvious question.

That leaves open the possibility that there is simply a case of poor business practices here.
If you sent your check to them by USPS then you can file mail fraud against them. I would contact the Better Business Bureau and see if they are listed in their database. If their publisher doesn't know who they are then I would say there is a problem. If the BBB can't help you then I would call the USPS Inspector General. Thanks alot for putting this information out for the rest of us.
I got their phone number from some other folks. I am going to call them first and give them the opportunity to correct the failure first.

Thanks for the feeback. I will update with the results
I called "Weapon's and Tactics" and there is no record of me or my subscription. They requested a copy the cancelled check, but I only get a copy of front from my bank. Of course, they so conveniently want a copy of the back, - the endorsement- which I do not have. Sounds like they have done this before. Of course I can get it from my bank at a charge so I am just writing this off and cutting my losses in time and money. I am sure that they would find some other hoops for me to jump through to prove that I am not lying. Education is not cheap and for $24 I learned a good lesson.

From what I have heard in other forums it isn't worth having anyway, and it isn't worth the risk of being cheated.

Stay away from "Weapons and Tactics" newsletter.
Hey, I got my first issue of the new, improved SWAT recently! I was *very* impressed. I don't impress easily.

Try it. Sorry you got goofed up by the other guys, but hopefully it was just sloppy accounting. Unfortunately, these things happen- and since you don't know their publisher...:D
I got two issues of the "Weapons and Tactics" newsletter. One appears to be the initial copy of a subscription, it has a coupon for $24 off a surefire light.

I tried to edit my previous post, but time had expired.

I was wrong and I apologize to the staff at "Weapons and Tactics". The guy I spoke to was very nice. I like the info too.

I regret that my suspicion and frustration got the best of me, and I appreciate the info I received from others.