Weak minded folks.


Why are ther so many people in this country complaining? This country was founded by men with great minds and the balls to go along. If more people stood up for what they think is right, for what so many men have lost there lives for, we wouldnt be in the shape were in now. Look, quit writing about whats wrong and do something about it! Belive me your not alone, we are still free, but for how long?
Sounds good. So far all we have been doing is:
-- writing letters to government officials, businesses and private citizens trying to make our point.
-- introducing as many people as possible to both the fun and seriousness of shooting sports and defensive shooting (of various kinds).
-- exchanging ideas here trying to improve and expand our activities.

What do you have in mind?
Dennis, I have many ideas. Unfortunatly thats all they are. I guess I was venting my frustraions due to the way things are going in our great country.
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them".
---Richard Henry Lee

[This message has been edited by rooster (edited 02-05-99).]

[This message has been edited by rooster (edited 02-05-99).]

I know what you mean. There are times I get so hot under the collar and my red neck glows so bright that the neighbors think my house is on fire.

In a way I find our government fascinating. Permit me some rather broad generalizations:

1) The same hippies that were chanting "Freeeduuummmm, Freeeduuuummmm" some years ago now seem to have become the generation of intentional tyrants. The common thread among them (through the years) seems to be, "You must think my way or else!"

2) Our draft-dodging, peace-loving, non-inhaling, adulterous, anti-feminist, "baby-raping", perjurer of a President has American "citizen-soldiers" in danger all over the globe.

3) The neighborhood policeman that we used to trust has been replaced by an internal, faceless, military force that too frequently abuses its powers, kills innocent people, and destroys or confiscates private property with impunity, without recourse for its victims.

4) Attempts to ensure "equality" and "fairness" result in ridiculous inequities and travesties both of justice and common sense!

5) Life, at times, seems to have become one huge "It don't compute!"

6) Worst of all, there were times I truly felt all alone with these beliefs.

Offsetting all this, is when the TFL folks help me remember that:

1) Not all of the kids were hippies.

2) The President is making decisions based on recommendations from his subordinates using intelligence information I don't have.

3) Our Sheriff's Deputies in this county are almost always as courteous and gentle as the situation permits them to be. Watchdog groups (including us) don't always get the full story of incidents like Waco, Ruby Ridge, etc. Considering how violent criminals have become, nobody can recommend police officers restrict themselves to .38Sp 6-shot revolvers when trying to arrest groups of maniacs armed with full-auto shoulder weapons. Police abuse can be fought better now than ever before, by going to supervisors, department heads, superior departments (like the Texas Rangers), or even the media (gag).

4) The civil rights pendulum which was too far one direction for too long, then swung too far to the other side, is beginning to "center" itself.

5) When life doesn't compute, I remind myself that life is still better here than what I saw in Moscow, Leningrad, Warsaw, East & West Berlin, Magdeburg (East Germany) or even in "free" West Germany.

6) Finding TFL has reassured me that I am not alone. I have found other sites on the "net" that show me many Americans have differing opinions on abortion, civil rights, etc.; but also have views similar to ours concerning liberty, etc.

I'm still angry about our government's apparent intent to "rule" us as "subjects". But I cling to the hope that we can fight them with Right, logic, and our votes. When I lose that hope, I'll meet you and many others in the streets. If you shoot better than I, I'll reload for ya!

Until then, I'll fight my little paperwork battles, hoping that by adding my voice to the gathering crescendo we, working as a united front, can keep the blighters from destroying what our Founding Fathers established.

Jeez. I do go on. Sorry. (Exit stage RIGHT, never left...)
Dennis, very well said. You almost, and I mean almost, persuaded me into your way of thinking. I tell you what we still have the common thread. You write them, and if that fails Ill put my "pen" to work.
Easy, Dennis ( ;) ). Don't be too hard on those 'hippies'. I never bought into the socialistic foolishness back then, but I always believed in liberty. I do concur it is a sad fact that the 'liberals' then have become the thought police now.

And, rooster, we're right to complain when the Constitution is trashed. It is our duty, IMHO. Nevertheless, I believe we still live in the best country in human history.
Jeff, you are intirely right, this is the only
country I would live in. Please dont misunderstand me, I just think stronger tact. should be considered.

[This message has been edited by rooster (edited 02-05-99).]
"The price of Freedom is eternal vigilence". I think it was T. Jefferson (but it mighta been GeeDub), but the point is, you've got to watch them ALL! I have no more use for the 'politically correct' on the left than I do for the 'religious right' on the right (Jeff, they all wannabe thought police). None are to be trusted. I don't need their help in what I read, watch, think, they are among the reasons I own guns. Both have serious potential for tyrany if they have sufficient power.

As Rich pointed out, TFL is a great information resource and a forum for the exchange of ideas, but everyone here is expected to think for themselves and act accordingly. There may be some 'thought leaders' here, but it's based on the quality of ideas, not force of personality or fiat. I've been cruising these boards to get educated about guns (the easy part), but its the ethics, values, and related issues that go with the tool that gets difficult.

IMHO, the ironic part is that the politically correct and the religous right have one basic thing in common - neither wants the respnsibility of free will and individual accountability, blaming it all on the vagaries of "gawd's will" or the the total lack of values in the "glory of diversity" (anything goes).

Rant mode off, every one have a nice weekend, M2

PS - I wish I could type better. Dang, I sound like a militant moderate.

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited 02-05-99).]

I guess I'm mad at the hippies 'cause I was too old and too far away to share in all that "free love" business. :) :) (Then again, Germany wasn't bad...)[(I'm not really angry, ya know, just a little mad!)]

Naw, really, I know all the hippies weren't hippies. And I DID get in trouble (in the military) for my views on Kent State and the Chicago Police Riots.

I also backed Rev. King before that became fashionable. I thought of him as sort of an American Ghandi. (I bet the fur flies over THAT one!)

I backed equal pay for equal work (for the feminists) but I also insisted on the EQUAL work! (Women in combat as foot soldiers is simply stupid! Other roles, I feel "It kinda depends.") I enjoyed the "bra burnings"! :D

My politics are about as "firmed up" as my outlook on religion. I'm all over the place. With the exception their stand on drugs, I seem to fit the Libertarian model best - and I'm not comfortable there.

Heck with it. My weak, little mind hurts. I'm gonna have a beer to welcome the week-end. Sure do thank you all for sharing your views! It helps me examine my opinions and even change them.

Good Week-end, All! (God bless us every one!)