Weak hand cross draw - Viable option for 'lefties'?


New member
I acknowledge that evasion by driving off is probably the best option in the event of a car jacking. However, if one is unable to move and is stuck behind the wheel is the weak hand cross draw the best option for 'Lefties'?

What holsters would you recommend if you agree?
Weak hand crossdraw would probably be pretty good for seated draw, but has it's drawbacks the rest of the time. When I am traveling I usually carry a Lightweight Commander in a Milt Sparks Summer Special inside the pants holster. I can still draw it seated in my car, but one needs to remember to pull your long tailed shirt, or jacket tail out from under the seatbelt, or you will have a hard time getting to it.

For me if I want a holster that I can draw with either hand, then I have found that the Galco Miami Vice horizontal shoulder holster works the best, seated or whatever for me. But then I also usually keep a Glock 22 in a soft case, with the zipper unzipped, handy, so I really don't have to worry about a holstered gun, while seated in the car. At any rate awareness is the key, to having the time needed to react.
You're right on the awareness issue - one is very vulnarable in a car even if you see trouble coming.

A drawback I see of a cross draw situation in a car is one's other arm could be close to the line of fire.

What are your thoughts on a velcro thigh holster? It's quick and easy to put it on and remove and gives you a bit more space to draw.
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You Have Options.

I have a lefty friend who does what you suggest.

You could always learn to shoot right-handed, which you should do, anyways.

Another option is a car holster. I have one that attaches beneath the steering wheel, as I don't want to damage the bucket seats of my Porsche. There are others that attach to the front of the seat.
Keep in mind a Missouri man shot himself while attempting a "weak hand" draw. Apparently he fumbled the draw with his less dexterious hand and ended up pulling the trigger while the pistol was pointed at his own chest. Happened at a range in front of witnesses so events are fairly clear.
I know lots of folks like Cross Draw for Car Defense. For a Lefty I am not sure this is the best plan.

For Right Handed folks carrying cross draw, you draw the gun away from the Drivers Window, with it basicly pointed in the correct direction towards the threat.

Left Handed Folks might need to experiment with an empty and safe weapon a little to see what works best for them. I think I would prefer a Strong Side Holster, and do a transfer to the Right, Weak Hand if needed.
Accessing the "Cross Draw" holstered gun, weak hand, with the Butt Forward is going to be slow, and clumsey as you will not be drawing with anything that resembles a Firing Grip on the weapon. Probably much less chance of fumbeling the weapon doing a transfer to the weak hand if needed.

Something to think about.

I think Strong hand draw is almost always the safest as most other draws end up sweeping your own body or someone else that might be in a passenger seat, etc.

The bad thing for a lefty, which I am one, is if you let someone get up to your car window, assuming it was open, they could grab your arm and keep you from drawing from a strong side holster. Another reason awareness is top priority, still yet I could see all kinds of situations where another gun located in the car, within easy reach of the weak hand, could save the day.

Bottom line is being in a car, that is not moving, already has you at a severe tactical disadvantage.