We want to Hunt on Sunday In Va.


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Virginian's Let your legistators know that you WANT Sunday Hunting in Virginia for ALL!.


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not to pee all over your parade but I seriously think that legislators have bigger fish to fry right now than the issue of hunting on sundays.
We went through this years ago in NY. The no Sunday hunting rule is stupid. There's absolutely no reason for it.

Church goers don't care and if they've got a particular religious objection they can not hunt, their beliefs there don't apply to anyone else.

In all the years that hunting was illegal on Sundays in NY, I never met a single person who could articulate why it should be or cared to keep it that way. None.

A great many hunters have two days a week available for hunting, Saturday and Sunday. That's a 50% reduction if they can't hunt Sunday.
when I lived in Nova this was frustrating for me as well because I had weekends off. ironically, living in the deeper south where I figured the bible belt would rule this the same way, hunting on sunday is standard.
Although I am in Church on Sundays unless ill, prohibiting hunting on Sunday will not change the mind or heart of a single individual.

Accordingly, I would vote to allow it if I had a vote. It takes more than that to change the heart of man.

I respectfully disagree with the fact that our elected officials don't have time to deal with things that need to be changed at a smaller level of government. I think a little more problem solving for state and local constituency might help our elected trolls fry their bigger fish and act less like the nobility they are not.

That said as a Virginia native I have never been a fan of the no hunting on Sunday rule. I am with you.
They changed the laws for hunting Sundays a few years back in Ohio, and I love it.

I don't know the origins of Sunday hunting laws. In rural Ohio, where I grew up in the 60's and 70's, it sounded like a war zone during small game hunting seasons. Stores and businesses, and everything was closed, and traffic was scarce on Sundays, so it was known for peace and quiet. I suspect that the Sunday laws originated to preserve peace and quiet on Sundays more than for any religious objection to it. Today I no longer hear all those random shotgun blasts on opening day of rabbit season.
I think it's sad that such as this even exists in our country. No hunting on Sunday? What reason on earth could there be for preventing it? Why not abolish hunting on Saturday (Sabbath)? It boils down to folks wanting to control the actions of others. I grew up hearing preachers preach against drinking, and while I don't drink, I have enough reading comprehension to see the Bible is not against drinking in general, but is against drunkenness. And I have enough common sense to know the difference.

(Sort of parallels our nation's self-righteous stance against polygamy...but it allows gay marriage...)
It is sad that you can't. Sounds like a very old law put in place a very long time ago. Hopefully it works out for you guys
I do not guess it really matters much to me. I go to Church on Sunday morning and evening anyway. I wont get my bloomers in a bunch about it one way or the other. Its legal to hunt on Sunday in Georgia. I honestly could not care less whether it was or was not legal to Sunday hunt here. I need some time to spend with my family anyway.
We have church at home. I have stopped briefly from our Bible study to shoot a groundhog that was crossing the road to raid my dad's garden more than once...
Some of my best hunting has been on Monday after the woods have quieted down a bit. If they change the law so be it, but I'm not going out of my way to abolish it.
It's a bit off-topic, (yet applies in regard to Sunday-hunting laws), but it always struck me as humorous that many churches disregard the true Sabbath (Saturday), and yet want to apply Sabbatical law to Sunday....and yet they never really practice Sabbatical law, as they'd be worn-out from chunking rocks at people for doing things on the Sabbath....
Drop the religious talk... The only potential connection is minor and has been covered. Few churches or their members care or have cared for many decades.

Let's get it back to the law and if it gets changed.
Sunday activities:
Basketball okay
Bowling okay
Golf okay
Fishing okay
Football okay
Movies okay
Target shooting okay

Hunting is not okay? Stupid.
Same deal here in MA. Many people work six days a week. Sunday hunting should be legal. Where I work there are six employees, one boss and a part time driver. We run 24/365. Not a lot of time to hunt. Having Sundays open to legally hunt would be nice.
Reasons for the restriction really do not matter. We simply need to work to repeal pointless laws. We were able to pass a repeal of the law prohibiting the selling of alcoholic beverages on Sunday a few years ago. I have hope that we can do the same for hunting.