We the proletariat

Actually the definition is working class

That certainly would have been the slaves and women, they were not really considered to be much more then 3/5 of a person and the other (women) not at all. I think the original constitution was a little week until the ammendmends were added.

The Bill of rights came along later. It spelled out the rights of the people, which unfortunatly did not include women or color.
This is one of the reasons I am not for people who really spout the constitution unless they are very specific.

But it was a good start. Not until Lincoln and others cleared up the quagmire of the failure of the original Fathers, Prior it was pretty shakey at best.

But I do believe the second was a good one from the start. And it ment just what it said. A militia. That can be man, women and kids. Anyone who can pick up a gun and protect the farm. From the military of your own country or others trying to take away your right to live a life of freedom espoused by that very constitution.
But your freedom has to be a responsible one, or you don't deserve the freedom they are talking.

One of the reasons Texas had such a tough time they were literally a captured and controlled state and treated very badly.