We Shall Overcommmmme ...

Jeff Thomas

New member
We've seen some neat discussion on this site regarding creative ways to turn these 'anti-gun' arguments around.

One I use all of the time now is referring to these b*****ds as 'anti-self defense' ... with feeling! We've also seen firearms owners in Boston march to show support for their rights. I envision a firearms owners march in which people show up in their work clothes - blue collar, surgical gowns, suits and ties, etc. Carrying their favorite firearm. Giving heartfelt speeches. And singing 'We Shall Overcome'!

Nuts? Yeah, probably. But ... pro-self defense, pro-hunting and pro-shooting competition folks need to show our neighbors, our families and our leaders (?) that we're tired of this foolishness, we are not Neanderthals, and we are done taking a beating.

What other creative ideas have you folks heard of that will turn this argument around, use some of the anti's' techniques against them, and so forth? We've got to get aggressive here, and I'm tired of feeling as though pea-brains like Schumer are beating my brains in every day. And, I'm tired of feeling as though I am watching my country destroyed before my kids are even old enough to fully understand what they are losing.

I know many of you have been fighting this fight a long time. What else can we do?

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited May 21, 1999).]