We Need a United Voice

Ed Brunner

New member
This is not an original idea by any stretch. We DO need a united voice for all gun owners and we neet to convert a lot of them to pro- RKBA activists.

We also need something resembling an Anti Defamation League to address all of the lies and spin in all media.

We are not getting a fair shake and instead of continually begging for it we have to demand it.

Better days to be,

Not just a united voice - but a LOUD voice...

The closest thing we have is the NRA.
But we need an NRA that is Agressive.

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

Good point, but what we need more than anything else is to motivate our own numbers. 80 million gun owners they say, and how many do you think contact their reps. If Washington got 80million calls per week from gun owners, do you think it might start to swing our way? I've found that sometimes you have to almost demand a vote be cast a certain way. If your rep is borderline then perhaps a few nice words will encourage, But I actually had a rep try to tell me my area of South Texas was anti-gun. Lets just say things didn't get real nice as the call went on, but I sicked about 200 townspeople on him in a couple days time and when the vote was cast, guess what, it was cast correctly. Sometimes in our perpetual niceness we forget that the men in Washington are there because we asked them to be. That day I really felt like he was trying to put out my fire with a strong reproach,"Your fellow citizens believe in gun controls." We can't buy into these lies. When i first started calling my reps, I got this treatment alot, and alot of the votes they cast where opposite of what I asked for.

If each of us would just go out and get our fellow gun owners to call once a week, how much better off we would be. We wouldn't even need the NRA or GOA. Then if we each went out and recruited just one more fence sitter. That's 160million votes, about 270 million folks in this country. We would have the majority. We allow to many of our number to sit home on the couch watching tv. Then if gains are made they benefit, when ground is lost they blame those of us who tried. It's time to get all your buddies who just really don't care to call. It's time to have your wife call at a different time than you, you are two votes. We need to make ourselves seem larger than what we are. Puff ourselves up, much like these small groups do, look at PETA and HCI, they are not huge groups, yet they influence legislation.

Live Free or Die Trying,

Steve Moody

[This message has been edited by Ruger (edited September 19, 1999).]
Ruger, you bring up a good point. How many of our representatives are simply voting the way they are because the "staff" tells them the polls show the voters in your district are for more gun control?

This is something that as a "class" of people we should be working on. The gays do it, the environmentalists do it, the anti's do it, why aren't we?

I'll pledge right here and now that from this week on, I'll spend the, oh let's see, 20 minutes? calling my congressman, senators (yech, Feinstien and Boxer) and my state reps and senators to tell them that they really need to examine the way they are voting and that I want them to vote a certain way.

Aside from that, I'll try and get those of us in my districts to do the same thing.

So, how many others of you out there are willing to take the same pledge (I know, some of you already have :) )

Jeez, sorry TR, those two are nuts, Feinstein and Boxer. I watched Feinstein for the first time awhile back on c-span and had to go burn-up about $50 in ammo to get back on a even keel. My wife has now declared c-span during the day off limits, the ammo bill was going through the roof. Had a good friend down from CA, he was telling me about the fight you have, and how your registration has turned into confiscation. TR, hang tough, you have a harder row to hoe than some of us, at least my senators are willing to hear differing viewpoints.

We also had a discussion about your lion hunting out there, and how something like 3/4 of the counties voted against the ban, but that LA and SF had the majority of the population to swing the vote against it. Now the ranchers are paying for it by sacrificing more and more stock to a booming lion population.

Ever sit and think,"This is broke, and I haven't a clue how to fix-it."

Live Free or Die Trying,

Steve Moody

"Just once wouldn't it be nice to hear a politician say,"I don't believe this way, but the people do."
I still spend more time in disagreements with other shooters than fighting the anti gun mob.
Why? because many gun clubs and gun organisations that have been around for years like the power that they have and it would hurt their egos too much to unite and not be the centre of attention. I hope in the USA your major pro gun and shooting organisations can put aside egos and unite otherwise you will end up like Australia.
It's come to the point now that I no longer care about certain clubs and if they close I couldn't care less.
I am not well like by certain gun clubs locally :) I am too pro gun I think.
Too many shooters in this country and on this and other websites spend time bashing the NRA. The NRA is not the bad guy here. We should and we have to put aside our differences and unite to fight off the anti's.

In the last couple of months I have joined all of the gun rights organizations. I don't agree with their policies but feel that we need to support all of them to have a fighting chance.

The dues for all of the organizations are cheap, if we all would join the NRA, GOA JPFO and our local state organization, just think of the power they would wield.

I know some of you are disgusted with the NRA, but they are all we have in Washington and they at least take the heat for us and are a powerful lobby for our cause.

Send them the 35 bucks and throw their other requests in the trash if you must, but join, so that we can show a united front with the numbers to back up our demands.

And get your @ss out and vote!

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!