We must run the USA Today ad NOW!


New member
This is no longer just a "neat thing to do"...We MUST run that ad NOW.

All TFL members who have said they will support it, and all 1200 plus members at large, simply must get off their wallets and cough up $50 to get this done! There is no better way to let the legislature and the voters know our resolve.

THE TIME IS NOW! It may be useless later. Why wait until our call for unity has to change to a call for mutiny.

I'll send another check if it will get the job done!

Mikey (when still pissed)
Mikey:I totally agree about the timing. Also,if each member either bought a share in the ad or sold someone else on it we would make it.
We have to survive this one even if folks dont agree with the ad.We have to band together and do something constructive.

Better days to be,

USA Today needs a one week lead and the cash in order to schedule the ad. I'd like nothing more than to run it immediately, but it is just not looking good for a SpringTime printing...

Support forms have slowed to a trickle and the last three I've gotten have been accompanied by less than $50.....

I was counting on the NRA show to find more pockets of support.. so much for that.. The next opportuniit is the DU festival. (first weekend in June)
I can cough up another $50, if that will help. Just how short of the goal are we?

Cornered Rat
ddb.com/RKBA Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."
About $50,000 short, more or less.

We have less than 100 supporters, and although a few people have donated extra and several people have sent in $50 or less without wishing to be listed, we still have not even cracked the surface.

Guess I'll have to send in another donation to match being the only one with the honor to be listed twice...(unsure whether to wink or cry)

[This message has been edited by Spectre (edited June 24, 1999).]
I will gladly send another $50, however I can not make up the rest of the difference. There are 1200 TFL members come on guys our feedom is at stake! We are for the most part the gun owners who feel this strongly about our freedom. It is better to send $50 and fight gun control in the legislature than to stand by and let our guns be taken from us. In posts every now and then I see people talking about taking up arms if our efforts fail, but think about what that really means. It is easy to talk the talk, but not walk the walk. I say $50 is a cheap price to pay to keep out freedom and maybe in a weird way stop a civil war.
Your problem may be "paranoid" people like me. First my name gets on a list in USA Today, then THEY use that list... You fill in the blank. Don't get angry, but I'm sure lots of other people think along these lines.
Hey, John G...

For $50 we'll play like we don't even know you!

And don't let anybody tell you that you're paranoid - hell, they're probably after you too!

As far as being paranoid-they already know!
However,if you would feel safer,send me the money.
I like the idea of the USA Today ad because it is an in-your-face approach,but I dont know if this gets the most bang for the buck.And really,they already know how we feel.
For $60,000 we could buy Sick Willie a whole lot of that stuff he likes and maybe get his mind off gun control.
But what do I know about it? I'm just a country boy.

Better days to be,

Well, Ed, that idea tickles me :) If I was wealthy, I'd give it a whirl. Bombard Willie with women. ROTFLMAO!

Almost two hundred and twenty three years ago, a group of men got together and putting their signature to parchment thereby pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honour.

I have ancestors buried in Revolutionary War graves in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

I am proud in this small way to likewise to stand up and be counted. Let them list me.