I have read several articles of late that indicates that in the closing moments of this congressional session many of the rights-grabbers will be busy attempting to tack on things none of us want. The main action will be attempted with the budget bill this month. Many "bad" bills are languishing in committee waiting to be attached. Things like: illegal search and seazure, manditory NICS checks for all firarm sales, outlawing gun and ammo sales on the internet and the list goes on. It is critical that all of us watch this process unfold and post any of these attempts here as soon as you get wind of it. The Republicans will be afraid not to approve even a bad budget bill because of the election. Bill will accuse them of shutting down the government, (gosh all those supporter checks won't get mailed). We must be prepared to write to our local press, and shine a light on their attempts. Lock and Load!