We had the worse handgun poll...now the best...

Which semi-auto handgun brand would you consider to be most realible...

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We had a poll of opinions of the worse in terms of reliability ...some questioned if there were those just bashing brands they happened to not like....

Let's try the best handgun in your experience that you would consider most reliable.
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I believe the OP is trying to avoid posts from morons that submerge or bury their thundersticks and also the ones throw their guns out of airplanes to see if they'll still function properly. If by reliable you mean it not only fires every time(& no FTE) but POI is POA up to 25yds...I would have to say my buddy's Springer. He has thousands of rds thru it. I will have one soon
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Got it boiled down to one of these two - and couldn't decide - ;)

Made in 1970 -


And this one made a couple of years ago -


If I must have problems, this is the kind I like most - :rolleyes:

I'm going to have to throw the USP series/HK45 series pistols in here. I have put thousands or rounds through my USP with zero malfunctions of any kind and there is a guy on HKPro who has over 11,000 documented rounds through his HK45 and has not experienced a single malfunction. I'm sure that most people with these pistols will say the same.

But for some reason no HK's are in the poll.
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This may not be popular, but I carry my Kimber Pro CDPII regularly and except for two "failure to return to battery" instances in the first 100 rounds through her, has been perfect and reliable with everything I've fed her to this point. We're on well over 2,000 rounds down range now.
Along with this, I've not had any troubles with my "for fun" weapons either - sig 229, HK Usp .40, CZ P-01, Ultra Carry II LG, Glock 27 and DW CBOB. If I start having troubles with a pistol that are not easily explained or fixed, it's gone.
I didn't vote on the "worst" poll and I won't vote on this one. If I had experience with each and every brand listed as an option, I MIGHt be qualified to express an opinion. Without such experience I am not qualified to express one.
I voted Ruger & Springfield , but these are the latest I purchased. I always tend to like my newer purchases best.:)
I added H&K and FN. Since the poll is relatively young, it won't skew the results very much.

I added 1 vote for H&K for HKFan9 since he has already voted and can't add one. Others who indicated H&K or FN haven't voted yet.

(Also corrected the spelling of Steyr.)
we have a most reliable semi auto poll out there. Glock is winning that. I amsure Glock will win the easy.

You think so? Here are result of the worse semi...thus far

Find this poll unlike so many others...intresting...
Thus far....from worse to best opinions of pollisters...

1 Other than listed...27.42%

2. Taurus.....17.23%

3. Lama/Star/Astra.....10.97%

4. Glock....8.09%

5 SW.....6.53%

With those top....you have 70.24% of the guns, "perceived" by the pollisters to be the worse. I realize there are other variable factors that are not considered, however, if I just looked at this as raw data...I would probable not buy any of the above.
How can there possibly be any question about the reliability of polls when we just finished a campaign and election so obviously proving their value ???

Sig for me as well. I don't think I've ever had one that I own fail on me.

Great shooters, super accurate, and never hiccup. What more could you ask for?

I voted Glock, but I would say FN is a near tie. My old FN made BHP has fired all kinds of 9mm ammo. It even once fired a 9mm bullett wit a .380 case. It did jam after that one.