We Can Win, So let's Do it!


New member
We gun nuts tend to be a funny lot. Back pre-SB23 I posted a thread on AR15.com trying to raise interest in supporting pro 2nd Amendment politicians. The response would have been funny if it weren't so sad, the silence was deafining! Was anyone willing to contribute a dime to help those willing to help them? Nope they needed that money for an extra 500 rounds that "they'd use to fight the good fight in the streets" (yeah right).

Were any willing to donate time to help their candidates? No way. How about getting out the vote, or writing letters to the editor? No, they'd rather snivel to gun rags, and/or post threats of violence!

Enough! Let's take the only action that **will** work.

The Media:

Let me tell you that little things can help a lot! How often (compared to a year or two ago) have you heard the term "gun lobby" in the national media, say in the last 3 months? I don't know about where you live, but we've seen a 99.9% reduction thanks to a very few people taking the time write every media forum they could think of - pointing out their biased (gun lobby vs. gun control advocates) terminology. Guess what? They just about completely stopped using the term!

Now we've got to take the next step and start hammering the media with hundreds of letters to the editors and postings to their forums pointing out their biased reporting. Enough people **politely** pointing out their (the media's) biases and the fact that they are spending more time trying to make news and direct public policy than reporting the news will make them rethink their policies and get at least partly off our backs. The key is to disabuse them of the notion that only far right-wing white fundamentalist Christian nuts and hairy chested Bubbas believe in the right to keep and bear arms - doctors, lawyers, professionals and LEOs identify yourself as such! Ladies we REALLY need your help here! Guys, ask your wives and girlfriends to help. And for God's sake grammar check your letters!

Political Action:

If each of us just donated $100-200 and 20-40 hours over the next year to help put our allies into office we could win back our rights!

I put my money where my mouth is and canceled my order for an AR15 back in August. Instead I settled for a Mini-14 and used the savings to support our cause. It hurt 'cuz I wanted that AR bad (last chance in CA), but the NRA and the Republican candidates need that money to fight to for MY rights!

Now I respectfully challenge each and every one of you to put your money where yours are!

If you're with me post a response so that we can build some momentum, and then let's get busy.

[This message has been edited by sholling (edited January 09, 2000).]
I think your post is right on the money. Here are some other things to think about. (1) When you see an editorial in your local newspaper calling for more gun control, go see the editor and explain to him/her in a nice way why gun control doesn't work. The personal touch often works well. (2) If you can write well, write a column or op-ed piece and send it to your paper. Many newspapers will publish an opposite point of view if written well. I've written several pro-gun articles in the local newspaper. (3) As you said, support pro-Second Amendment candidates. One candidate in my district is rabidly pro-gun. Even though he's a Democrat and we disagree on many issues, I'm supporting him. The reason is that I feel the Second Amendment is the most important of our rights--without it, none of the other rights would exist. (4) I have continued to post cases on TFL that describe people defending themselves with guns. The reason I do this is to provide ammunition to others in their discussions with anti-gunners and media people. The emotional appeal of such stories can turn the tide in many discussions. This is the best way to counter the anti-gunners--they have no argument to self-defense.

We all need to get more involved.

I am not one of the more active member of this board, but I have forgotten how many letters I have written, along with phone calls and donations.
I think that you would find that this forum is very active when it comes to that kind of thing.
The thing is, that gun supporters number in the Tens of MILLIONS.
I find it very sad that we can't get a higher percentage of these people to do something, anything, even once a year write a letter or donate some time.
If we could just get 1% of gun supporters to make the smallest effort we could change everything.
Imagine a protest once a year in Washington with, say .01% of gun owners showing up. How come the Liberal whackos can get that many people to show up for their causes?
There are 80 million to 100 million US gun owners. Why oh why cant these gun owners bestir themselves just a little to fight for their right to keep and bear arms. Are the lessons of Briton, Australia and Canada lost on these people? Do they live in a vacuum ,on the moon? It is their rights too; not just ours.

How much longer are they going to depend upon the efforts of 3.5 % ,if that, of the whole to safeguard their rights and shoulder their responsibilites for them.
So far ,they have done nothing to
deserve the service that we have been and are now ,still doing for them.

If we, without their assistance, can
not retain our second ammendment rights, they
will deserve the enslavement which follows
because they did nothing when a little effort on their part could have won the battle.

In 2000, we must become
politically active
in support of gun rights
or we WILL LOSE the right
& the freedom.


Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they are all disarmed and helpless and die,instead.

ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
Gun owner apathy is still at a very high level because the MAJORITY of gun owners have not yet been effected by legislation.

Those who own weapons "on the front line" of the gun control battle (AR15, AK, SKS, etc.) will feel the pinch (sledge hammer actually) before the moderate and hunting gun owners do. Those "other" 77 million non-active gun owners will not get involved until their revolvers, hunting shotguns and rifles are effected by legislation.

You guys are on a good topic here. More of us MUST get involved. Not just joining the NRA, GOA - but participating in elections by volunteering to help certain candidates with their campaign efforts.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
LOCAL-level politics!!!

Get involved. Thats where these gun grabbers originate. My state Senator isn't considered a gun-grabber...why? Because he refuses to make guns an issue and ducks every 2nd A question he gets; he keeps a low profile on guns. But he always votes with the gun control people...never once has he broken ranks. So, how can you tell? By their stand on other issues...this guy sponsored the bill that allows minor girls to get abortions without parental knowledge and/or consent.
He is pro Big government.

Ya'll know damned well that if they support anything that infringes on your rights; spends money on special interest groups, creates new programs to "solve" a problem....then you know they will vote for more and more restrictive gun control that solves nothing.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Great post,
I hope everyone takes time to read it and heed your message. For my own part, I've contributed $4,000.00 in 1999 to pro-gun causes including (but not limited to); SAF, CalNRA, CRPA, Vetothegovernor.org, Ray Haynes for Senate, Liz Michael for Assembly, etc.

Additionally, I've written more than 50 letters to my Congressman, State Assemblyman, State Senator, and (in desparation) to the Governor.

I'm not bragging, and I don't expect any accolades. I wish I could have done MORE!

If everyone (in California) would contribute the cost of one so called "Assault Weapon," to the cause of defeating Liberals, and preserving the RKBA, we could turn this rush toward Socialism in Kalifornia around!

P.S., My Pro-gun Congressman now writes back to me on a first name basis.

[This message has been edited by KAC556 (edited January 10, 2000).]
The truely sad thing is that those who don't fight with us are also those that would have very little problem in turning in their deer rifle as long as the Govt. gave them a check. I have a bunch of gun owning friends. 2 of them are idiots. They could care less. They don't savor the right to use a firearm, it's just another form of recreation. They'd just as soon go golfing than to spend time and effort on TRKBA. But my greatest success story is the other one. I took him to our ranch, and let him shoot a .22. We went through a brick, and I tried to teach him safety while having a good time. He took the bait. He went from complete ignorance to a pretty impressive and knowlegeable enthusiast/activist. Not to mention he now purchases expensive firearms and keeps our friends in bussiness! I can't drop a few $K on a gun, so I just piddle the best I can, he's a CCW holder, and life member of the NRA, plus memberships in JPFO & GOA. If my success rate is 33% then I'm happy. It really is fun to recruit, and now I'm working on a fatherless 15 year old. Never stop. I think rifle ranges ought to make you present your membership card in an organization like GOA before you're allowed to shoot, or at least be sponsored by a member. My Thoughts.
The response to my post has actually been much better than I thought it would be. You guys have restored my faith in people. Eight of us on the Firing Line forums really care enough to get involved and put our time and money where our mouths are. Kind of sad more didn't post, but then eight is much, much better than none!

I can't donate thousands like KAC556 (we should all salute him!), but I'll scrape up another $50 for the NRA this month, and try to do the same for my state rep next month.

Gun owner apathy also extends to those who's weapon are threatened. Some are cheap, some are lazy and think someone else should do the job for them, and some are so paranoid that they think their names will appear on some UN list if they stand up to be counted. Most are just trying to eek out a living for their families and don't think they can afford the time and/or money to get involved (their wrong, they can't afford not to!). All of these types will avoid this thread because it urged them to put up just a little their time and/or money and get involved. They'll avoid it because they are ashamed!

Thanks guys!

I know what you mean too. No long sad stories here, but I have run into more than a few brick walls trying to get gun owners involved in LOCAL projects. It is really sad.

There are some bright spots. If you haven't seen these guys, http://www.vetothegovernor.org/index.html check out what they are doing in California. If you live there, give them a hand. If you don't, pass the link around. This is the kind of stuff that needs to happen.

I think every shooter needs to be a member of their state association. In Wyoming, we have about 700,000 people and most of them own firearms. Our state association has just over 400 members. I bet most states have similiar percentages. Very sad. Like others have said, it starts at home. People need to pay attention to local politics.