As a gun owner, I have been deluged with requests for contributions from so many different groups that I hardly know what to contribute to. And this goes for more than just contributions of money. My time is also requested. Now don't get me wrong, I do my part but I just can't respond with time or money to every single entity that needs help. I still need to work and feed my family and there just isn't enough time in the day or money in my bank account to do all that I'd like.

I'm sure that others find themselves in the same boat. Maybe what we need is some single entity that can work best towards preserving our rights. I know the NRA or GOA are a few good ones BUT we still don't have a single strong voice that is made up of all the disparate groups.

One suggestion I've made in the past is that all gun owners, hunters, sportsman, fishermen, outdoorsman, four wheelers, campers......in short all outdoor enthusiast get together and form an organization that can develop real teeth in protecting our collective rights. Below is an idea I would like to see implemented by somebody.......

Working to protect your rights and freedoms while earning you money!

Are you tired of the gradual loss of your freedoms?
Are you a fisherman?
Are you a hunter?
Do you like camping, the outdoors?
Do you like offroading?
Are you tired of the gradual loss of your freedoms?
Are you an outdoor enthusiast who has suffered through land closures, a fisherman who finds his favorite areas cut off to fishing, a hunter who is sick and tired of the slow, gradual loss of your hunting rights, a shooter who has suffered through the endless sieries of loss of your gun rights?

The Freedom Trust works works to protect those rights Americans have enjoyed for hundreds of years.......your investment into the Freedom Trust earns money. Your investment is used by the Freedom Trust in purchase of media related stock. The goal of the Freedom Trust is to gain controlling shares in as many media outlets as possible in order to put pro-freedom owners, directors, managers, reporters, etc, in control of media outlets in order to reverse the negative slant against our rights and freedoms that is so prevalent in the media today. Don’t take your freedoms for granted anymore. STAND UP, AMERICA!

The Freedom trust seeks to reverse our loss of freedoms using your money while at the same time it earns a return on your investment. As outdoor enthusiasts, fishermen, hunters, riders, campers, off-roaders we have all argued against the continued erosion of our freedoms but we see an ever increasing trend towards a loss of those freedoms. Lands are being closed, fishing is made off limits, campers are locked out of lands, four-wheel roads are being closed, shooters are loosing their rights.

Our arguments run up against the brick wall known as the media. We talk until we are blue in the face trying to protect our rights but still the media slants it’s stories in a manner that results in the gradual erosion of our freedoms. The vast majority of middle America is oblivious to these events. Someday they will wake up and ask "WHERE HAVE ALL OUR FREEDOMS GONE?" Don’t let it happen to you! Your investment in the freedom trust will reverse that trend. Your investment works as the single most effective solution to stem the tide that is working toward the loss of your freedoms. End the negative slant served up by so much of the media today using your money while it earns a return on your investment! What could be simpler? What other method earns money while promoting your freedoms?

We have argued, spoken of our rights...all the tired out points, stands and opinions are having no effect. These are good and necessary points, of course but, still, we suffer the gradual erosion of our gun rights. It would appear our arguments alone are not enough to stem the tide.

The Freedom Trust invests the money you contribute toward purchase of media stocks with the aim towards getting controlling shares so that we can spread OUR pro gun message instead of their anti gun message. The directors of the Freedom Trust are comprised of pro gun people and outdoorsmen that seek to protect our God given American freedoms!! If it works out right, you can even invest your 401K in a secured manner!! Even small contributions will have a major effect if used in this manner. LET YOUR MONEY DO THE WORK FOR YOU!!!

OK. So what can we do that will be effective in securing our gun rights? Join the NRA? OK, that will work, to some degree, but it still isn't enough. So what is enough?
The FCC is presently being lobbied by the major networks to allow them to own more of the smaller networks or subsidiaries. And now they are allowed to own multiple media outlets in a given market area. Get ready to be bombarded by even more antigun slant!

This is continuing a trend of more and more media outlets falling into fewer hands. The FCC policy has been to promote a diversity of media ownership as this is in the best interests of the American people. Ownership of a majority of the media by a few people or organizations silences too many voices and thus the FCC position.

OK, so we see that if you own a media outlet you have some measure of control over its content and by default have some measure of control over the hearts and minds of your viewers. We also see that there is an attempt to concentrate media ownership into fewer and fewer hands and we have to ask why. Money? OK, but that isn't the only reason. Control, promulgating your world view, getting what you want and so on are the reasons. There is power in media ownership.

My proposal to solve the problem of getting a positive pro gun message out there is to get all of the various pro gun groups to get together and create an organization with the sole purpose of aquiring, outright, a major media outlet or aquire at least a major ownership of its shares. How to do this?

Create one, unified drive to get all gun owners, shooters and like minded people to contribute as much money as they can muster in efforts to raise enough money to buy as many media outlets as possible or at least aquire a mojority, controlling interest. Thus we can spread a positive pro gun message and use the same tools to defend our rights that the antis (the media) are using against us! How much does a media outlet cost? How many gun owners, hunters and shooters would contribute? Depends on how you sell it but our investment could make money while spreading a pro gun message!

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited August 13, 1999).]
I would like to add just one thing... I think this is a great idea, have been toying it myself... But where are you going to get enough people with the necessary funds to make an investment of this magitute.... The answer! Through 401(K)'s. If the trust was set up like a fund... say the magellan (sp) fund or another, where shares in the fund were sold to the public including 401(k)'s. To leverage the fund shares would also need to be sold to institutional investors such as John Hancock Insurance, Hartfort Insurance, etc. Then I think it would be possible.

Any good finanical managers out there who would like to set up such a fund? What is the ROI for media outlets? Can a decent return be earned on a composite portfoilo?


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
This concept has high merit...

However, I don't think we have enough time to create an organization from scratch and then start buying.

Now, if the NRA, GOA, JPFO could be persuaded to form a combined offshoot group (ala Beef Council; Electrical Power Research Institute; Dairy Council; etc) it could work. The 3 orgs would still be separate and independent, but they'd form the financial/lobby/etc group with reps from each org.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
One thing I may have forgot to mention is that we can use this to change society in subtle ways. One example would be to reduce the level of violent television programming and movies and not to sensationalize every single mass murder to the point where we gat all kinds of copycat killings. IT WILL BRING RESPONSIBILITY BACK INTO THE MEDIA!!

Somebody please organize this! It can only work in our favor!

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited August 13, 1999).]