We Can Repay Rosie!

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Rosie O'Donnell is the spokesperson for Kmart. Go to www.kmart.com. On that page you'll see something like "Need Assistance," or something very similar. Go there and you'll see how to email Kmart customer service. I did so, telling them that I'd not shop at their business as I did not appreciate Ms. O'Donnell's remarks. I also made this information available to several pro-gun groups. I did receive an email from Kmart saying that my concerns would be forwarded to management. I've learned that many, many emails are being sent. Emailing Ms. O'Donnell will probably do nothing, but her sponsors might be something different. Please help.
Good idea Stephen. I sent an e-mail and plan to follow it up with a phone call. Their # is (800) 643-6256 (hours are 8 to 8). I'm sure they's love to hear from us. :)


Check this out...

Kmart advocates the safe, responsible sale and ownership of sporting
firearms. That is why we have extensive policies and procedures in place to
ensure that all FBI and ATF procedures are followed by our sporting goods
personnel in all firearms sales. We also participate in gun safety programs
in many communities.
Kmart also supports the right of free speech and stands by Rosie O'Donnell's
freedom to express her personal opinions about gun ownership.

Customer Service

-----Original Message-----
From: NRALIFE@aol.com [mailto:NRALIFE@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, April 30, 1999 5:58 AM
To: kmartccn@kmart.com
Subject: K-Mart and Rosie O'Donnell


I am writing to let you know that I will no longer be
shopping at K-Mart
until Rosie O'Donnell and K-Mart are no longer associated in
any way. As
long as she is doing commercials for K-Mart, I will take my
business to one
of your many competitors such as Walmart. As you may know
Rosie has
slandered the good name of honest gun owners on her talk
show. I will do my
best to encourage ALL 65 million gun owners across America
to follow in my


Joe Xhxxddddd

Everyone is welcome to come over to my Second Amendment homepage
and message board. Have some fun while learning how to effectively
battle the foes of the Second Amendment. Feel free to speak you mind
on a variety of subjects ranging from firearms, politics, the great
outdoors, to self sufficiency measures.


<A HREF="http://www.netbabbler.com/goto/index.php3?forumid=12204">
Joe's Second Amendment Message Board</A>

<A HREF="http://members.aol.com/nralife/politics">
Joe's Second Amendment Homepage
I just emailed Kmart and asked them if they would be trumpeting Rosie's free speach rights had she slandered some other group? I asked them what made her little hate and intolerance speech about gun owners any different than one based on race, gender, or sexual preference?

Chris in MO
I just tried to use the phone number. There was a recording saying that business hours were Mon-Fri 8 to 8 and to leave a message, followed by about 5 seconds of hold music, followed by a recording saying that it did not hear my selection and I should dial my party's extension, blah blah blah. Basically the runaround, don't bother till Monday if at all. Writing or stopping by in person is better anyway.

Here's what I sent:

"Dear Sir or Madam:

I was dismayed to find recently that K-mart will continue to use profits made from my purchases to pay Rosie O-Donnell to shill for your stores. Not only is Ms. O'Donnell even more insultingly foolish and ignorant than the average entertainer, a grand accomplishment of no mean difficulty requiring years of dedication and hard work, but she recently advocated that thousands of your customers be thrown in jail and/or have the merchandise they've purchased from your stores stolen by their own families.
Ms. O'Donnell's exact words on her inexplicably popular TV show were that anyone who owns guns should be sent to prison. Let us put aside for the moment the fact that this would essentially mean that to follow the highest law of America, the Constitution of our nation, would become a crime in the United States. More to the point, your store SELLS guns to its customers. How exactly does your management reconcile those two facts? I cannot.
Ms. O'Donnell also stated on television that women should steal their husbands' guns while the husbands are at work in order to turn them in to the police. I will touch only briefly on Ms. O'Donnell's insultingly sexist implication that only men own and use guns; its stupidity should be obvious. I will likewise mention only in passing the stupidity of her belief that the police would somehow wish to accept a gun which has been stolen from one's spouse--does she think the police department is the usual fence for stolen goods? Perhaps in New York, but not my town. The real issue is that Ms. O'Donnell is urging her female viewers to commit a Class-A felony. Prison time is almost assured if the other party presses charges. More importantly, she is advocating that these felonies be committed against your customers. Do you, or do you not support your customers? Are customers actually valued at K-mart, or are they simply the means for cash to travel from a bank account to your cash registers?
Finally, if Ms. O'Donnell advocated that gays be put in prison, would she still be your spokeswoman? If she told an interviewer that since blacks commit more crimes by percentage they should be imprisoned simply for being black, would she still be making such a lucrative paycheck at your expense? I would fire her in a heartbeat for such statements, but then again I would fire her for advocating that my customers be imprisoned without trial or charges. I'm odd that way. I await your response. I hope there will be one. You can also reach me at (309)457-3405.

Don Gwinn

Too much? :)

[This message has been edited by Gwinnydapooh (edited May 01, 1999).]
By the way, here's another approach that could be used: Rosie O'Donnell stated that all private gun ownership should be banned and that anyone who had a gun should go to prison. She then said that the NRA was "pro-gun violence" and that "Charleton Heston was just the pimp for the gun lobby." Oh, my, my! Kmart sells firearms and ammunition, yet that doesn't keep Rosie from taking their pay! If Heston is a "pimp" for the "gun lobby" and O'Donnell takes pay for services rendered to a firearms dealer, what does that make her??