We are on the verge of becoming criminals.ACT NOW!

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We are on the verge of becoming criminals. There is a Treaty about to be signed with Mexico that would take away our second amendment rights. Continue readind to find out how and what you can do to STOP THIS.

Remember CANDIDATE Barack Obama? The guy who “wasn’t going to take away our guns”?

Well, guess what?

Less than 100 days into his administration, he’s never met a gun he didn’t hate.

A week ago, Obama went to Mexico, whined about the United States, and bemoaned (before the whole world) the fact that he didn’t have the political power to take away our semi-automatics. Nevertheless, that didn’t keep him from pushing additional restrictions on American gun owners.

It’s called the Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials. To be sure, this imponderable title masks a really nasty piece of work.

READ IT HEREhttp://www.infowars.com/obama-pushing-treaty-to-ban-reloading/
Use the pre written letter to send to your Congressman use this link to find out who you Congressman is.


Here is the letter plese repost to your friends

Dear Senator:

I am urging you, in the strongest terms, to oppose the Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials.

This anti-gun treaty was written by international bureaucrats who are either stupid or virulently anti-gun — or both.

This treaty could very well ban the ability to reload ammunition, to put new stocks on rifles lawfully owned by American citizens, and, possibly, even ban BB guns!

There are too many problems with this treaty to mention them all in this letter.
The rest can be read on the website of Gun Owners of America at:


Please do not tell me the treaty has not yet been abused in this way by the bevy of Third World countries which have signed it. We do not expect the real ramifications of the treaty to become clear until the big prize — the U.S. — has stepped into the trap.

For all of these reasons, I must insist that you oppose ratification of the treaty.

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