We actually may have been heard......

Miss Demeanors

New member
This has been a week long ongoing decision. A bunch of us have been emailing George Ryan all week long stating that we NEED CCW's in IL. Here is the latest, at least it may be considered. PLEASE if you are in IL keep sending emails until its over, dont give up just yet. :)


By Rick Pearson
Tribune Political Writer
December 25, 1999

Shortly after Senate President James "Pate" Philip's
forces rejected Gov. George Ryan's compromise
anti-crime package a week ago, the governor warned
that his opponents were laying the groundwork for
legalizing concealed weapons in Illinois.

Making the illegal possession of a firearm a
misdemeanor instead of a felony would be "kind of a
precursor for concealed carry so everybody in the
country can walk around with a .45 stuck in their belt
under their coat," Ryan said.

The governor's opponents dismissed his remarks as
political hyperbole, an attempt to bolster his argument
that the unlawful use of weapons should be a felony
punishable by up to 3 years in prison. Philip wants the
crime to be a misdemeanor for some first-time
offenders, punishable by up to 364 days in jail.

But as the standoff between Philip and Ryan continues,
the issue of allowing the concealed possession of
firearms by private citizens has quietly emerged among
the Senate's 32-member Republican majority.

In discussions last week, opponents of gun control
argued that making the weapons offense a felony would
make it even more difficult to pass a concealed-carry
law later, according to several senators.

Philip, for his part, openly questioned why the offense
should be a felony when 31 other states allow citizens to
carry concealed firearms. And he and others noted that
Ryan is the state campaign chairman for Republican
presidential candidate George W. Bush who, as Texas
governor, signed into law a concealed-carry bill.

The current controversy revolves around the Safe
Neighborhoods Act, a comprehensive 1994 crime
package that was struck down on constitutional grounds
by the state Supreme Court on Dec. 2. Despite nine
days of negotiations and several roll calls, Ryan and
Philip have not been able to agree on the penalty for the
unlawful use of weapons, preventing the law from being

Ryan has called the Senate back to Springfield on
Wednesday to try again to reach a compromise. He has
proposed keeping the gun offense a felony but allowing
the record to be expunged if first-time offenders
successfully complete probation.

The offense, which generally is applied to people
carrying concealed firearms, had been a misdemeanor
for years until the Safe Neighborhoods law made it a
felony. It reverted to a misdemeanor as a result of the
Supreme Court decision.

Some Ryan aides contend Philip has not been
negotiating in good faith in hopes of keeping the offense
a minor one and opening the door to negotiations about
new legislation allowing concealed carry.

Philip, a Wood Dale Republican, has been soliciting
advice from state Sen. Edward Petka (R-Plainfield), a
former Will County state's attorney and co-sponsor of
the last Senate attempt to legalize concealed carry for
qualified, trained citizens in May 1995. The bill failed to
pass the Senate by two votes.

"As they say in New Hampshire, `Live free or die,' "
Petka said during the 1995 roll call. "If we do not have
the ability to protect or defend those rights at any cost, I
submit to you we don't have any rights."

Ryan contends that the entire impasse "boils down to a
lesser penalty for unlawful use of a weapon and
eventually it will lead to concealed carry. I don't agree
with concealed carry, and I know not too many
law-enforcement officials do either," Ryan said.

"That's what's frustrating. They ought to introduce the bill
for concealed carry and vote it up or down," Ryan said.

Philip was unavailable for comment.

Advocates of concealed carry said the court's decision
and the legislative impasse may be a way to further their

"The recent Illinois Supreme Court action overturning
the Safe Neighborhoods Act was a boon for those who
need to provide for their own self-protection," said John
Birch, the president of Oak Brook-based Concealed
Carry Inc.

Birch has given Senate Republicans a proposal that
would make the weapons offense a felony but would
exempt from prosecution anyone who has completed an
existing 40-hour state training course and criminal
background checks.

"We understand that it's got to be a felony," Birch said
this week. "But we can't cast a wide net that entraps
everybody, like the small businessman afraid for his life
or the woman who is a victim of a spousal abuser."

Birch's proposal so far has not progressed in the Senate,
and many Republican senators acknowledge that
concealed carry is a politically volatile issue.

Yet several of the 12 Republican senators whom Ryan
has targeted in an attempt to sway their votes supported
Petka in his effort to legalize concealed firearms.

Ryan has targeted GOP Sens. Larry Bomke of
Springfield; Adeline Geo-Karis of Zion; Wendell Jones
of Palatine; Doris Karpiel of Carol Stream; Dick Klemm
of Crystal Lake; Chris Lauzen of Aurora; Robert
Madigan of Lincoln; John Maitland of Bloomington;
Patrick O'Malley of Palos Park; Steve Rauschenberger
of Elgin; Todd Sieben of Geneseo; and Dave Syverson
of Rockford.

Of those dozen, 10 served in the Senate in 1995 and
eight voted for concealed carry: Geo-Karis, Lauzen,
Madigan, Maitland, O'Malley, Rauschenberger, Sieben
and Syverson.

Karpiel and Klemm voted against it. Bomke and Jones
were not in the Senate at the time, but their
predecessors voted for concealed carry.

That may not bode well for Ryan's lobbying attempts.

Jones' predecessor in the Senate was Peter Fitzgerald,
now the state's junior U.S. senator. Fitzgerald has tried
to downplay his vote for concealed carry and has
moderated his stance on gun control in his first year in
the U.S. Senate.

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
So, they are trying to say that if you harm somebody with a weapon you get three years in jail? Are fists considered a weapon? Really, concealed carry is not "misuse". dumasses...
People like Ryan don't give a damn about a '... small businessman afraid for his life
or the woman who is a victim of a spousal abuser ...'. They're doing this 'for the children'. And, after all, when the woman is tragically murdered, the state can step in and take care of those kids better anyway, right Mr. Ryan?
Miss D,
Do you have e-mail address for the Guv?
I will be contacting Mr. Sieben tommorrow by phone.
If nothing else, all this nonsense should open another opportunity for possible CCW.
However, I trust G. Ryan even less than most politicians.


I dont trust him at all either, but it looks as if he is losing his arguments. Cant hurt to try though! :)

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Gov. George Ryan is a desperate liar. He is quoted in the Tribune saying anybody who is against his gun control measure is a friend of gangbangers. That wound up fellow Republicans. Remember that minivan burning to death six kids in Milwaukee some years ago? Ryan was the secretery of state, head of the office that issued ( actually sold for a bribe) a commercial drivers license to an unqualified driver whose crappy truck lost a part and killed those kids. Ryan said he knows nothing about licenses being sold for campaign contributions. Friend of Ryan buys an old railroad building southwest of Chicago (Joliet) for something like $225k and three months leases it to Ryan's office for $229k annually. Ryan said he knows nothing about contracts for buildings leased by the agency he headed. One federal indictment after another produces convictions of his former employees, all guilty of bribery or official misconduct. This after his own police force reports no sign of corruption in the secretery of state's office. Ryan then goes to Havana, ostensibly to improve relations with Cubans, a desperate stunt to generate headlines other than those about his corrupt employees. The trip is meaningless but manages to anger State Department. Ryan is apathetic man and many Republicans await his indictment.

[This message has been edited by 2shots (edited December 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by 2shots (edited December 26, 1999).]
Not only that garbage but they guy raised taxes on everything, including liscense plates. I still find it funny that he was seen shooting somewhere. Hypocrite! Then again, they all pretty much are.

Friends of gangbangers eh? I would love for Mr. Ryan to take a trip with me to my local grocery store late at night. They all hang out there and harass me each time. Wouldnt call them friends thats for sure. Little punks is what they are. I'm sure Ryan doesnt go out late at night, and if he did, he probably would have security with him!

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica

[This message has been edited by Miss Demeanors (edited December 26, 1999).]
In Illinois, politics is a blood sport. Ryan, a Republican generates nothing but praise from Richie 'Little Big Man' Daley in Chicago and Michael Madigan, a clever, mean and spiteful man who runs the Democrat side of the state house, has nothing bad to say about Ryan. Remember, Ryan was Lt. Gov. when Jim Thompson was governor. This was the team that never saw a tax they didn't like and held hands with the Democrats, all the while jacking up state taxes and fees.
Ryan should just come out and admit he's a Democrat. During the last election, the Democrats nominated a pro-gun congressman from Southern Illinois named Glen Poshard. He immediately took fire over his pro-gun stance. The Chicago Democratic machine supported Ryan in the election. For all intents and purposes Mayor Daley runs the state of Illinois. It was this way throughout the Thompson and Edgar administrations.

This has been bad enough for long enough that a few years ago one of the bigger Southern Illinois newspapers (The Centralia Sentinal) ran a not so tongue in cheek editorial advocating that Southern Illinois seceed from the state.

As for not knowing many law enforcement officals who would support CCW, I dare Governor Ryan to poll the working cops in the state, not the political hacks who run the agencies and whose future is tied to saying the politically correct thing. I propose that officers of all agencies of the rank of Sergeant and below be polled. These are the men and women who have to actually deal with potential CCW holders on the street. I'm sure the results would surprise Gov. Ryan.

But then again, he would probably have to defer to the opinion of the "experts", the politcal appointees who run the agencies and haven't made an arrest in years or maybe have never made an arrest.

This whole situation has sickend me to the point where I'm looking for employment in another more individual rights friendly state.

A couple of months ago, I posted about a trip to Chicago I was planning. I had second thoughts, and ended up in Merrillville, Indiana and eventually in Gary at the gambling boats.

Funny, how much safer I felt in Gary where I was allowed to carry my pistol legally.
Isn't Gary one of the murder capitals of the country?
I live in Indiana (a will issue state)and got in a rather spirited discussion with my wife about supporting a city that doesn't allow me to protect my family and myself.
I can't see me spending my hard earned dollars as a tourist in Chicago, due to their anti gun policies.
She brought up, of course, the fact that millions of people visit Chicago and live to tell about it. True enough, but she also agreed that the principal I am trying to uphold is valid.
Just as I didn't set foot in a K-Mart while Rosie was a spokesperson, I will resist spending my money where my kind is not wanted.

Just killin' time, but it's killin' you too.

[This message has been edited by tatters (edited December 26, 1999).]
Your Governor Ryan's remarks are arrnt nonsense. Re the people who put him up for office, and those who voted for him, where do you manage to find these clowns? Surely, Ill. could do better.