Wayne LaPierre resigns!


I wonder, though, if it's too late. And too many of LaPierre's sycophants remain on staff and on the board. The NRA won't safe and able to start a comeback until the whole house has been cleaned.
Nothing will change. The same rules in the NRA books that allowed such corruption are still in place. The same board of directors that allowed such corruption are still in place. I hope the NRA folds and 50% of the BOD rot in prison. There, I said it.....
I quit donating to them years ago. They're sliding more and more into the Christian Nationalist camp.
In the current magazine, they praise the latest "NRA Country" singer for his Gospel songs and his "love of God". They carry religious ads and sell "In God We Trust" glassware in their catalog.
Apparently, if you don't love country music and aren't a Christian, you don't measure up to NRA standards.
My money goes to SAF.
I quit donating to them years ago.

Yep and my 5yr membership is about up and I keep getting emails t renew . I always reply with the same message . I will never give the NRA another penny of my money . There are several other choices that are much better options . FPC is one .

When was the last time we heard of a huge court win that the NRA was heavily involved in that didn't involve there corruption haha ?
Tennessee Gentleman said:
They misused the money we sent them for LaPierre's personal use. Like expensive suits and vacations.

I get that. Why would Wayne step down? He has ALL the power. He could have just road the NRA’s asset pile to the bottom. I worry what caused the step down.
I get that. Why would Wayne step down? He has ALL the power. He could have just road the NRA’s asset pile to the bottom. I worry what caused the step down.
My guess would be for damage control so he's no longer the head of the organization if, or more likely, when he's found guilty of financial misconduct. He may also get a better severance package if he resigns than if he'd forced out after being found guilty.
I hope the NRA can "reboot" and get back to their basic mission. Keep in mind that the NY AG is no friend of the NRA member or the average gun owner for that matter. She is out to deny all of us our Second Amendment Rights, so let's not celebrate Lil Wayne's fall too much because ultimately, they're after you.
Glad to see him go. Those on the BOD who turned a blind eye to his theft of NRA funds need to resign.

The NYAG thankfully failed in her attempt to dissolve the NRA as an entity but as much as I dispise her antigun efforts she has done the NRA a favor by following up on the corruption in the leadership.

I now hope that there will be real change, that members will return, and contributions to the cause of guns rights resume. I am one who would not donate while WLP is in office. Once he is out I'll resume donating and continue to do so if they clean up their act.
I also quit sending money years ago. I donate to SAF and CCRKBA. They do more the NRA has in a very long time.
The NRA won't safe and able to start a comeback until the whole house has been cleaned.

Problem is, he got a bylaw passed a while back that required a unanimous vote from the Board to remove him. I'm not sure if that applies to Arulanandam as well.