Wayne LaPierre on FOX tonight


New member
Wayne LaPierre will be on the Hannity and colmes show on FOX network tonight at 9PMEDT.

Shawn Hannity has been an outspoken Pro Gun commentator since the colorado shootings. His opponent is a sorry excuse for a Liberal.Should be a good show.
Sorry for the delay in replying but I have been busy.

La Pierre was the last guest on the show. He was proceeded by an interview with Sen McCain. He (McCain) definitely won't get my vote as he acted pro gun on the show and went out the next day and voted for the gun checks bill.

The next segment had two people arguing about flag burning, didn"t pay attention.

When LaPierre came on he appeared confused at times and had to be spoon fed by Hannity. He was not opposed by the usual motor mouth liberal so he was able to express himself without interruption. He hammered home the fact that the administration is not prosecuting gun laws and most of his comments were geared towards that issue.

The programs Lib (Alan Colmes) tried to corner him by asking what gun law he would support. He appeared to stumble and finally answered that the administration should prosecute the laws we already have. I was not impressed, but at least he was mostly coherent with help from Hannity.

By the way, tonight they had on Sen
Bob Smith from New Hampshire who got beat up by the opposition on the question of gun rights.

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited May 14, 1999).]
La Pierre was on the GG Liddy show to day.
He sounded strong, firm, confident...no stumbling.

Again, as you mentioned, his main theme was lack of prosecution, which is true and fine.....but.

He spun the Senate vote as if it were no big deal and that somehow "we" snookered them by only getting a 24 hr max wait on the results of the "Instant check". Unfortunately, I see it as spin and we can all think of scenarios about what goes wrong
1) Say the results aren't back in 24 hrs...does the sale go thru or do ya have to listen to lame BS excuses?
2) When I've gone to gunshows, its an afternoon outing for me...not a couple day investment.
3) How is this check to be performed? I don't know how to do it. Will there be adequate phones available at the shows? LaPierre made a big deal out of saying that the price of the check will be nominal...ok what is nominal? Do I have to pay for a check for each purchase?Another LD phone call?

I think you can see where this is going....inconvenience, nickel and diming and more waiting...kinda takes the fun and the bargain out of gunshows.

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