Wayne LaPierre at CPAC today

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Folks, follow this link to the videos of the Conservative Political Action Conference today. Two that you don't want to miss are Wayne LaPierre, and a Tribute to Charlton Heston. There are many video clips at the bottom, as you roll your mouse over them, the titles will appear.
My whole family just watched Wayne. This is very moving.
(heads-up: these videos are about 15 min's each, but VERY worthwhile)
LaPierre ran about 30 minutes, but was worth it. Obviously, he's no Charleton Heston (no one else could ever be), but his presentation has become much better. Still comes off like an angry accountant, but one with a riveting message.

So where's our next Heston? I had thought for a while it would be Tom Selleck. Mr. Heston was perhaps the most credible and powerful spokesman any organization has ever had. Tough act to follow. The voice . . . oh, that voice. Like Moses himself gripping a rifle then thrusting it airborne while uttering the phrase "from my cold dead hands" is chilling. And, was so very convincing to the mass legions of gun owners who heard and joined the call.

So who will be our 21st. century Heston? We could sure use one about now.
10-4 on the angry accountant.

There will never be another exactly like Heston. But there could be someone -- there needs to be someone -- who is well recognized beyond the NRA and shooting sports community, that can carry the message "beyond the choir".
Without following your link, how is this thread about law or civil rights versus being a political issue thread?

PM me the details, I might be persuaded to re-open this thread.
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