Waterfowl in Ohio


I see most hunters around here really get into deer. (rightfully so as it tastes great) When I was stationed in Washington state I got into duck hunting with some friends. The deer on the island were small and duck was plentiful, therefore, more duck hunters. I got out of the service about a year ago and moved back to where I grew up. Now I have no idea where to duck hunt because after being gone 10 years, the human population has grown as the wildlife has decreased. If anyone reading this is a waterfowl hunter in south western Ohio, please point me in the right direction!

Thanks for the support.
Hello firebrand, I was stationed at Whidbey Is many years ago and being from NH had hunted ducks but nothing like I found out there in Washington, hope you dont get dissappointed hunting ducks in Ohio compared to wash. I know once I came back to NH I never hunted ducks again.
Luckily for you, the easiest land for the state to aquire for public hutning is land that is useless for farming and development, which means swamps. (I guess they call it "wetlands" now) I am in NE Ohio, so I won't bother you with the list that close to me, but if you checkout Buzzcook's links, they have a listing for state wildlife areas, and I'm sure there is something in your area.