Water Control Inc.

Nestor Rivera

New member
I was just shocked by the facts I just dug up at the CDC, The numbers of people drowning in the country is just amazing we need water cotrol NOW (ban on large pools, ban on privatly onwed pools, pool registration,mandatory swimming classes and CPR classes before a child is let out of the Hospital)

Age Firearms/Drowning

0 to 4 20 / 516
4 to 9 28 / 234
10 to14 94 / 215
15 to 19 64 / 349
20 to 24 136 / 316
24 to 29 82 / 298
30 to 34 83 /333
35 to 39 68 /307

If just one child is saved the elimanation of pools of water would be a small price to pay.

Src CDC 1997 http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/osp/usmort.htm

[This message has been edited by Nestor Rivera (edited September 24, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Nestor Rivera (edited September 24, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Nestor Rivera (edited September 24, 1999).]
I second the motion. In addition I would like to point out that swimming pools, ponds, and 5 gal. buckets are not guaranteed by the Constitution.

"They can have my pool when they fish my cold, wet, bloated body out of it."



"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
I don't have a swimming pool, so, like the shotgunner who doesn't care about handguns I guess I'm expected to say, "Well, yeah! Who needs a pool! Ban 'em all, just don't touch my birdbath!"

Grrrr. :(
I like to sit on my 5 gal. bucket from time to time. The bucket is already painted up with warnings so the time is near that I must purchase a "dove hunting stool" whatever that is!
My right to keep and sit on plastic buckets is not addressed in The Constitution of The United States of America! What I'm holding in my hands while sitting there is!


Yall know why ladders are so expensive don't you? Had to make um big enough to put all of those stickers on!
Reductio ad absurdum is a good argument for those with brains. This does not describe the radical gun prohibitionists or their dupes. They *are* absurd. They can advocate seven ridiculous things before breakfast. (Apologies to the good Reverend Dodgson.)

This proposal, while very amusing, is only likely to give them ideas. Chucky Schumer was not above proposing cornflake control. Can pool control be far behind?

"Pools don't drown people. Stupidity drowns people."