Watching Yukon Men and Alaska Last frontier no dogs?


New member
Watching Yukon Men and Alaska Last frontier

I get the feeling that having dogs up there would be great for hunting. I mean the people are trekking and glassing over wast areas sure, but dogs would pick up on tracks and either get the animals moving or have them front the dogs so you could sneak up on them easier, a moose cares little about a human if a dog is barking at it.

And hunt more in teams, place people as shooters at designated places/blinds/stands to catch the animals that catch smell of the dog and dog handler.

For bears to, the dogs can alert you sooner. and do the same work as with moose and other animals.

the dogs are already there, sled dogs and our scandinavian spitz type hunting dogs are somewhat related. Surely the native americans used dogs for hunting?

And tracking a wounded dog is easier with a dog.

Only a few States allow hunting big game with dogs and that in most cases precludes tracking wounded game. I'd guess that Alaska isn't one that allows it.

BTW, I've got a Norwegian Elkhound and around here they're used for squirrel hunting. The breeder I got him from has several that actually herd livestock, protect the farm and hunt small game. Interesting breed.
But how can hunting pigs with dogs ( that actually bite) be legal then? such a problem it is considered a pest?

and shouldn't an exception be made for people who actually hunt for sustenance?

you have liberal laws about hunting with bows and crossbows so why not dogs that either flush or front animals?

you already have a system with tags right? so it can't be that it is more effective
Rick the norweigan is a superb moose dog (the name is actually a misnomer

our word for moose is Älg just close to your Elk, we don't even have Elk, and other deer don't stand for dogs like moose. front/stand I don't know the correct word for what it is called in english:o

probably the most common here in Sweden aswell, but due to our superiority complex vs the Norweigans we just call it Greydog
In most States the hogs are not considered "game" animals and can be hunted by extraordinary means.

I believe the phrase you're looking for in English is "brought to bay" for when a dog frustrates an animal to the point that the animal turns to fight and the dog can hold it in place for the hunter.

I've heard the description of how my "Elkhound" is actually an "Elghund" but in reality he's more of a "grey couch dog". ;)
okey bay I will try to remember.

yeah pigs are becoming a nuisance here aswell, not your level yet but in just 10 years they have surpassed the moose in great numbers.
Sorry for the drift, but in honor of Husqvarna, I just had to:

Monti Python ik den Holie Grailen

Roten nik Akten Di


Also wik

Also also wik

Wi not trei a holiday in Sweeden this yer ?

See the loveli lakes

The wonderful telephone system

And mani interesting furry animals

Including the majestic moose

A moose once bit my sister...

No realli! She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end
of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an
dentist and star of many Norwegian movies: "The Hot Hands of an Oslo
"Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink"...

Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti...
What little I know of hunting in Alaska beyond photos and films leads me to believe that dogs might be more hazard than help if the big bears are the game. The caribou videos I've seen wouldn't seem to need dogs in the hunt.

Moose seems a "maybe", but from videos I've seen, caring for a dog insofar as transporting him to camp via airplane or having him in a canoe isn't all that good an idea.

Most bird dogs are short-hair, so the climate is against them.