watch out for hp-22 pistols


New member
nice gun for the money, magazine release is the first thing to go, if you get one, clean it every 1000 rounds at least. i had mine (hasn't been cleaned in 2300 rounds or so) go full auto this morining. the firing pin got stuck out(carbin fouling), and it slam fired eight rounds in rapid succession, just FYI CLEAN YOUR GUNS!!
they have a lifetime service warrenty for registered guns, (mail the registration card, i was stupid enough not to)
so it doesn't matter much, but the magazine release will no longer hold the magazine in the gun after about 3000 rounds or so, i had to put a piece of soft rubber between the right grip pannel, and the magazine release bar(opposite side from the button) to hold it at extreme tension. it works now, but it takes two hands to drop the mag.

accuracy- long barrel shoots worse than the short one, which will shoot pop can sized targets at 15 yards, and chest sized targets out to 35. Both mine and my fathers hp-22's magazine releases quit on us about the same time, 2500 rounds or so.

my recoil spring is weakening now (somewhere around round 6500) so i pretty much figure the gun is dead. that's not too bad a life span for a 100 dollar gun, I would buy another, but i'm on a mission for a revolver, i got sick of loading magazines(i have a thumb callous to prove it)