Watch a dog battle two wolves

I don't know why they did what they did but, killing the dog quickly obviously wasn't their intent or the dog would have been dead in seconds. They seemed to just be playing with it. At one point when the dog was on the ground and they kept tugging at it pulling it backwards, I thought it was over. They had had their fun and decided to just kill her. Anyways, I'm glad she made it for what ever reason they didn't kill and eat her. God Bless
I don't know why they did what they did but, killing the dog quickly obviously wasn't their intent or the dog would have been dead in seconds.

I agree. I wonder if the reason was because she was female and the wolves may have been two young males. Otherwise, it would have been over very quickly.
Reading through the comments on the video, someone mentions the dog wore some sort of armour designed to protect against wolf attacks. I didnt notice myself.
I'd like to believe the outcome was as stated. But from what I've personally observe concerning wolves. I highly doubt the pooch involved survived the attack. Only thing that will stop such a grievous attack is the intervention of a human to save the dog. And doing so can be a very dangerous response on the human's part. Once a wolf smells blood they go into a anxious frenzy like behavior and become even more viscous in their attack. As far as dominance of a domesticated dog over a in the wild wolf pack.> Only in the movies. Domesticated female challenging a pack to be its breeding Alpha dog. More likely Spot will end its day as dinner than the Alpha.
I'm just speculating that the wolf that attacked the elkhound was an alpha female --- with the male looking on the sidelines of the battle zone.
Very efficient hunter /killers wolves are. When one tires the others continue the chase and battle. No rest what so ever for their quarry. Continuous on going aggression i.e. fighting and more fighting till their opponent is either dead or is so exhausted it just gives up and lets the pack do as they please. Usually wolves eat a deer rear to front so to keep their quarry's blood flowing while they devoured. I think Grey Wolves are watchful not to sever major rear leg arteries and eat around them. I've actually seen that gruesome act take place on a 2 yr old doe I'd say. Pack of 4 adult wolves involved. Caught up to and battled that deer then ham stringing her to where the doe couldn't fight any longer as she had no use of her rear legs. But still very alert of her circumstance and standing up on her front legs while more than one tore into her downed rear quarters. Tough scene to witness. Had a rifle along. But it wasn't my place to stop the assault. Grey wolf were on the Federal Endangered Species Listing at that time $3500.00 fine for unauthorized killing of.