Wasting a vote.

cornered rat

I would like you to consider a situation in which you and a number of others are condemned to die in the near future. Several of the executioners prefer to use a dandy watercooled MG13. Others want to try out Zyclon-B on you.

There's a certain difference between the options, so some of you would prefer one to the other. The "voters" on this issue are certain that the end will come, just want to pick the least painful way out. The majority is kidding themselves that they are really going to be re-settled, if they behave.

A minority insists on trying to break through the wire to the outside. They are condemned by their peers as unrealistic idiots. After all, bare hands are poor weapons against 8x57 rounds. An attempt to break out would mean no chance for a re-settlement option.
So, what have you decided?

My point is, if we are certain that neither party will cease the effort to disarms us, the differences between the implementation of their programs become a moot point.

I plan to vote libertarian (which is to say, whichever candidate looks better, if any), rather than pick the least of the evils prognosed to win. This way, I have a slight but non-zero chance of my candidate winning.

If I vote for the others, my candidate has a zero chance of winning.

And if the others win, as they likely will, oh well...there's always the fourth box. The point is, using that forth box without trying the ballot is against our habits. Using the ballot without the fourth box to back it up is suicide.

The trick here is figuring out if Bush.Jr is fundamentally different from Gore & Co. Is it truly the difference between a trip up the smoke-stack and life or just between two different ways out, or slavery.

I don't have the asnwer. Just musing aloud.

Cornered Rat
ddb.com/RKBA Updated March 20
"Disarm, then past the barbed wire, into the oven and out of the smoke-stack..."

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited May 12, 1999).]
Good point. I got tired of that stupid "wasting your vote" thing a long time ago. Besides, it's ridiculously circular. Only A or B has a chance, so vote for him. Why do only A or B have a chance? Because everyone else is voting for them. Why is everyone else voting for them? Because only they have a chance. And so on.

OTOH, if the SOBs already have the election sewn up, then a vote for them is meaningless anyway, like piling on after a whistle. The only vote that can have any meaning is for a candidate who needs your vote and who you believe in. By the way, CR, I finally checked out your webpage and I'm glad I did. It's amazing! Great job!
Although I am badly behind, the andi part of my site is getting a MAJOR facelift shortly -- it will look like a real anti site with draconian measures endorsed...till the bottom of each page, where consequences of the most popular idiocies would be disclosed.
I have already decided to brave the wire. It would be better to die in the effort of obtaining freedom then to sit in the corner whimpering as the gun is raised to my head...


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

Question is...when do you , politically, decide that that talking your way out of a fix is not possible?

When all types of guns except for such-and-such are outlawed? When something you own is confiscated w/o due process? When you are riding a black maria to Katyn'?

Just curious. Q says that my ownership of firearms AND ability to get more are subject to a popular vote. I had just about left upon hearing that. Seems to me that we better agree on what the boiling points are...else we will end up as just so many cooked frogs.
Folks like Q have a double standard.

Why stop at guns? Should #cars, # of children, VCRs, computers, # of rooms a house can have all be regulated? All of these take resources and energy to make, thus an arguement, no matter how far fetched, could be made that all of society is drained.
What about # of abortions? How about amount of alcohol one can purchase per year? Shall we vote and say you can have 10 cases of beer or 5 cases of wine or 2 cases of hard liquor per year?

Maybe we should have a national debate first as to whether or not we are individuals or parts of a hive. Then define the extent of popular vote upon the intimate everyday lives of individual people

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
She said that lack of shall-issue in MN means that the people still get what they are voting for, so our democracy still works. If anyone could carry, that would violate the right of some of my anti friends to feel safe on the street.


Not sure what to make of it. We try to avoid the topic for now.
Democracy or hypocracy?
So, apparently democracy works when it goes her way? And the anti's feeling of safety is more valuable than my feeling of safety?

Maybe we should follow Islamic dress codes for women...after all if we are all dressed in black bags with hidden faces then conclusively it will be proven that men are responsible for rape. Think of all the money we can save by not having trials. Better yet, how about all men are given depro-prova at the onset of puberty, and only a note from his wife will legally allow him to cease taking it. Cool, don't ya think? No more rape, who cares that the 99% of men who never have or ever would rape be penalized. I'll be safe, thats all thats important, right?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Boy oh boy Rat....you are sure lucky. If you were still in school I'd have you expelled for drawing that erect phallic symbol ;)

(RE: the 11 yr old Maryland boy expelled for drawing a gun)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
And Q would get me for the two eyes with long eyelashes, a nose and a "rabbit mouth" (kinda like a big demure smiley) :-)

I will have to get used to dating someone who thinks that scting consistently with my views endangers her, and vice versa.
Perhaps start with someone who acts consistently with her own views ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
C.R. My nick-name is Phrogge (pronounced frog) and I damn well don't plan on getting cooked :)
Paul B.
Aesop's fables, "The mice voted to bell the cat." One problem, who gets to carry out the vote?

Ask Q if it would be okay if we all voted to rape her and slowly torture her to death or if it would be a violation of her rights? If she is consistent in her beliefs then it is okay for it is democratic. My right to keep and bear arms is derived from my right to life. It is not granted by a piece of parchment nor is it subject to a vote. This is the difference between a democracy and a limited constitutional republic. The founders of this nation were educated at a time when democracy was equated to mob rule. They considered democracy anathema. The argument that my right to defend my life and freedom intersects in any way with someone's "right to feel safe walking the streets" is an appeal to emotion not logic.

Let them vote to take away my guns, let them come to take them. "They" had best bring many guns with them.
To reply to your original query. I'm more of a "let's try to figure out a way to get the guards' weapons and then give them a shower of Zyklon B" kind of guy. I'm not going to wait for that great resettlement region in the sky but I am going to try to avoid heading for the wire with my teeth and fingernails, too. But if it comes down to it, I never got a chance to kill a guard for his weapon, and I'm being herded for the showers...well, it's time to take out a guard with fingernails and teeth, try to take his weapon, and hope for ten sideboys for my funeral pyre.
The truth is that there are some 40 million housholds with guns in them.... hmmm lets see has anyone of late recieved 40 million votes? I don't think so ...............................
So its clear that we can make a difference with gun owners by themselves if we are of one voice...... but we must be of one voice, then they're can be no stopping us.
BUT wait.... there is this little thing called vote tabulation .... all the votes in the nation go into one computer with vote compilation software that is totally secret and not even congress has been allowed to evaluate how it works......????? ----------
How do you supposed Dan Blather and his chronies can figure out how an election is going to go right to within a point or two......perhaps they know something we don't? Why don't we have paper ballots anymore? Why are there machines that count for us and we can't check them later to see how accurate the totals were?????
Just out of scientific curiousity, I would think that we needed to have two systems and then cross verify the outcome?????-------How stupid of me that I would question such as this.... I guess I am just one of the great unwashed who happens to have too much time on my hands..... must need to have more taxes levied so that I would have to work more and think less.

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?