Washington Times: Gun Grabbers Without Hope

Is it me, or is this is really quite a shift in the dialog even for the WT?

From the Washington Times today:
The left has permanently lost the argument on gun control. Despite their best efforts to take advantage of the tragic shooting in Arizona to promote pointless restrictions on things like the size of handgun magazines, the propaganda campaign is unlikely to go anywhere
Link to article
Good stuff.

Im blessed to live in a fairly pro gun state.

National reciprocity would be nice.. Then I might actually get to go see California..
As I recall, the Washington Times is and has been a pretty conservative paper. The Washington Post, on the other hand, is pretty liberal.
As I recall, the Washington Times is and has been a pretty conservative paper.
Of course that's true. But it is widely read, and saying the gun-grabbers have "lost the debate" is a rather profound declaration, even for the WT.
The NY Times and the liberal media have commented on the same thing. They have been disappointed by the lack of action from the WH to push gun control issues.

You may note that global bans aren't pushed much. They focused on over 10 round mags of late.

They think that has some wedge issue potentials. But it won't.
I wonder what straw they will grab at next when the mag-limit effort tanks? It must really be demoralizing to be an anti-gunner these days. I really don't mean to gloat, as many of our opponents are sad, misguided but nevertheless altruistic souls.

But if your primary goal in life is gun control, and then WY, and maybe now CO, and NH are constitutional carry along with with AZ. I mean, damn, how much can a gun-grabber take? Almost time to hide the sharp implements.
Boy, I'm all busted up that the gun grabbers have been taking a pounding at the state and local levels.

This is a good time for the RKBA, we have to keep pushing and remain vigilant. Do NOT get cocky, do NOT get complacent. The moment we do, they'll be there with mag limits and AWBs.

I'm even heartened that we've begun to see some motion at the federal level. Even though most every victory has been at a more localized level of government, it's beginning to look like we might possibly score a win or two at the federal level in the coming years. Maybe a repeal of 922o eventually? We'll have to see; this state of affairs has ONLY come about because dedicated people have been working the halls of power and grass roots folks have been voting and making their voices heard to their employees in the legislatures.

Keep at it.
I'm with Technosavant,,,

we have to keep pushing and remain vigilant. Do NOT get cocky, do NOT get complacent. The moment we do, they'll be there with mag limits and AWBs.

But I believe that the major gains have been at the state level,,,
Votes are the only thing that count to most politicians,,,
It's easier to vote a local/state guy out than a fed,,,
So they have been swayed by local movements.

When the feds see the local politicians doing what the voters demand,,,
And when the feds see state politicians being voted out,,,
That's when they start to pay attention.

I'm unbelievably happy to see the pendulum finally swinging our way,,,
The anti-gun folk have had their way since 1968,,,
Let's hope the next 50 (or more) years is for us.

But remember to keep voting,,,
Nothing good will happen if we stop.

And we will never give up until law abiding citzens are allowed to practice all their rights, without jumping through hoops. The lawmakers have to be taught that the will of the people is to be followed instantly and without question. They aren't up there for their entertainment pleasure.
as many of our opponents are sad, misguided but nevertheless altruistic souls.

Many ? Maybe, I dunno.

But most: socialism is not altruism. Socialism is about people who can't wanting to share in the produce of those who can. It's also about people who can't wanting to be in charge of people who can.
The gun control debate stopped after Columbine. Since then no major politician has actively pursued gun control. What we have now is simply lip service.
A note - we don't do rants on liberals, libtards, etc. We discuss pro and antigun issues. Gratuitous insults is NOT our style.

I took down one like that a follow-up. We maintain a literate style about the issue.
maestro pistolero:
It must really be demoralizing to be an anti-gunner these days. I really don't mean to gloat, as many of our opponents are sad, misguided but nevertheless altruistic souls.

I'd really like to see the donation levels to the Brady Campaign over the past 10 years or so. I'm guessing they have either flatlined or are in decline.

They have really lost their key arguement that "more guns equal more crime". Since about 91, violent crime rates, including crimes where guns are involved, have continued to drop. Meanwhile, the sales of firearms has continued to increase and sales were especially high right before and after Obama was elected to office. The AWB expired and crime didn't go up as they predicted. Many states have put liberalized carry permit and concealed carry permit programs in place and the blood has not "run in the streets" as they predicted. Eventually, bad slogans and marketing schemes run out of gas. This appears to be the case for the anti gun crowd and the gun control advocates. I hope it lasts.
Although this is a great thing and a good article don't be fooled.
In the words of Erik Weisz (Harry Houdini) "now you see it now you don't"
A redirection right before a big push is a great way to keep the enemy off balance.
I'm just syain, keep your eyes and ears open to deception.
I trust very little these days where the media is concerned.
I read an article about the state of finance of most anti gun groups, they are in pretty poor shape.

I am glad they mentioned PA, I wrote my new "Republican" state legislator to push the Castle Doctrine law back into the house, and he promised its on its way, and it is.

The shame is, that it should have passed last year, too bad for the folks who are dead, or sued, in the meantime.

Not only was Rendell just like Obama in gun control, but he also left our state broke, something that seems like Democrats are very good at.