Washington Post Calls For Confiscation


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WASHINGTON POST CALLS FOR CONFISCATION! By Neal Knox. - ( referring to a column from July 19) A Washington Post editorial recapped the gun positions of the various candidates, saying, "Mr. Bill Bradley comes closest to getting a grip on this country's gross national proliferation of concealable weapons. He calls for registration of all handguns." But, the Post declared, "No presidential candidate has yet come out for the most effective proposal to check the terror of gunfire: a ban on the general sale, manufacture and ownership of handguns as well as assault style weapons." Now they've spelled out what they want. English style confiscation of all privately owned handguns and military look semi-auto rifles. Fine. At least they're being honest. Let's have a general debate on that issue. And I sure hope that they can get a string of candidates willing to acknowledge that confiscation is precisely where they intend to take their step by step "reasonable gun laws."...
I hope Bradley does get elected and there is an attempted confiscation. That way we can deal with it now instead of our grandkids. Gun control and constitutional erosion is a one-way street, it never goes back.
Did I just say all that...yea.

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
I am not rushing to dig holes. The Washington Post has been calling for a ban on civilian possession of handguns since at least 1957. At times they have strayed into demanding a total gun ban, but usually they fear to anger too many duck hunting bigwigs.

I’m with walkin’man; let them ban them. I’m getting sick of this chipping away of our rights. Let’s get it over with. Either we are free or we’re not. Frankly, I’m not handing them over.
A good test will be Kalifornia where the people will have to turn in their Sks and other weapons. Ii would be nice for the people there to take the big stand and say no. You want our guns? Be prepared for war. But people have to unite in neighborhoods and in general work together or the antis will pick us off one by one.
I too appreciate it when an anti-self defense fool at least is honest enough to state their true intentions. But, let's not kid ourselves - our neighbors and coworkers are usually not the strong allies we think they are.

We have a lot of education to do, and the pro-RKBA forces damn well better begin a movement of our own. We need effective advertising, music, movies, TV shows, celebrity friends and grass roots campaigning to help our fellow citizens understand the truths of this debate. IMHO, we are currently losing this struggle.
Think long and hard about it..... they aren't going to back off, and we aren't going to win over the minds of the sheeple ! It will take a change of culture, one that will put us back opn track of a militia nation, a true Republic. But that will only come after an enormous struggle.

Are you prepared to kill someone who would take away your freedom ? You will have to be, if you wish to be free ! Now the question is how far down the road to serfdom and slavery to you want to follow the sheeple before you reach that point? Having reached it , will you still possess the means to act effectively?

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Has anyone been out for a drive lately? Look at the sub-divisions, the apartment complexes, the miles upon miles of homes. Now imagine the manpower it would take to proceed with gun confiscation.

The Feds and local LEO's have had success only in subsidized housing complexes (usually high rises) in their unconstitutional weapons sweeps. But most locals are under the assumption that such sweeps are for gangbanger's weapons and drugs. They can control the entry and exit points and basically take over the buildings.

Now multiply that effort by thousands of residences in multitudes of neighborhoods. It would be a logistical and tactical nightmare. Especially with something like 290 million guns out there in private hands.

As our population increases, I just don't see such a task becoming any easier. They have to either do it now, or wait until their re-education institutions (public schools) have changed the minds of new generations about guns. They are too impatient to wait.
celebrity friends...

Jeff, you just gave me a GREAT idea...

How about we get Leslie Easterbrook to pose in a little bikini at one of her scattergun matches, then send it to King William the Chickenhearted?

Knowing his, er, extracurricular interests, he wouldn't come out of the bathroom long enough to sign any more laws.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Coinneach, I can state categorically that I'm generally in favor of any strategy involving bikinis. As a matter of fact, I would even be willing to sacrifice time to aid in such a project. ;)