Washington Post attacks .50 caliber rifles.


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Heads up fellow firing line members:

August 17th front page article of the Washington Post- "The .50 Caliber Rifle- On the Streets, Firepower for an Army; Police Fear Weapon is falling into the Wrong Hands"

The article is thinly disguised as addressing the concern for law enforcement's safety. The usually cronies are spewing the banning proclamations- proposed legislation to ban the rifles, ammo, and prevent the sale of military surplus ammo!

If you can't get a copy, go to www.washingtonpost.com and click on the front page print edition.
What a coincidence. I was just looking at the <a href="http://www.fcsa.org">Fifty-Caliber Shooting Ass'n web site,</a> and decided I want one.

"But it has no legitimate sporting purpose!"

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
I'm expecting the .50 to be the point of the spear for attempts to outlaw all "high powered" rifles. Further expect that night vision, lighted scopes (Aimpoint) and body armor will make an easy throw in. At the last minute, expect most modern calibers to be lumped in as "high powered", considering the 9MM is now touted as such.

Hang on to your hats and your CongressCritters' addresses. Try to put away a few dollars each week for donations. It's gonna be a rough year.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 17, 1999).]
this is ridiculous.

What criminal decides to make his weapon of choice a 30 pound .50 BMG rifle?

Oh but see how it is called a "sniper weapon."

Well your .338 Lapua Mag is next. Followed by your .300 Win Mag, all the Weatherby Magnum Cartridges above .30 cal, followed by that's right your .308 and .30-06's. After that might as well make every center fire rifle with a scope a "sniper rifle."
The scary thing about this is about the time the gun grabbers get stirred up about a brand of gun, gun shows, assault rifles, ect a loon commits a horrible act sure to turn the public against the firearm in debate-and so our rights have slipped away. How long untill a crazy who it is already illeagal to have a gun uses a .50 to create carnage. Strange how this always seems to happen

Everyone's known for years that any of the better hunting cartridges from 100 years ago could penetrate 98% of the "bullet-proof" vests that are made and worn since the 60's. But these have not presented a problem. For one thing, the man with a rifle is not daunted by body armor, even if it does defeat his round; he just shoots for the head.

Next we'll see a moratorium on "how powerful does a sportsman's cartridge need to be?" We can expect such a moratorium to set forth a goal of a limitation on any round capable of penetrating 2A body armor, with licensing for "High Power" rounds that would be used for "legitimate sporting purposes." If such restrictions were enacted, I would expect to see the cost of "H.P." cartridges skyrocket, and individual rounds to be counted, per person. (which, one supposes, takes you right up the issue of "arsenals," and their definition...)

And for what? Can anyone quantify the use of H.P. rifles against L.E.O. body armor? I'm betting it's pretty dadgummed small, to the point of looking freaking microscopic in comparison to the # of assaults on L.E.O.'s with automobiles!

There is a certain amount of assigned risk that we take in the world. We know that buses are statistically safer (by far) than automobiles, but we take our cars. The increased risk there (and to the children!) is huge, but for the sake of practicality and freedom of personal movement, most of us do hop in the car, putting our kids in the carseats, etc. Are we going to allow some Nervous Nellies to remove our right to our basic weapons (yes, I said a naughty word; "weapons, arms, instrument of aggression...."), on the basis of an almost non-existant crime?

"Someone could use it to hurt somebody!" is a pretty scarey contention, when you realize that, once you assent to the demand to ban said article, you're admitting that you do not believe in free will and personal responsibility.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited August 17, 1999).]
funny things

there is a photo graphic on the page showing ammo
22lr is labeled target rifle
9mm is labeled police pistol
.223 is labeled police rifle
30-06 is labeled hunting rifle
& 50bmg is labeled .50 cal sniper rifle

also the article makes no mention of the waxman limo penetrating ability...

fellow frogs the waters getting warm!

I must be in a good mood tonight because I have a big grin on my face as I read this thread. I guess because I'm reflecting on my youth. My Dad was a odd sort bought his first anti-tanK piece in 68. 25mm then he got a 20 mm Lathi, then a 55 cal. Boyce then another Boyce that he had converted to 50 cal. Boy I can tell you none of these pieces where what I call enjoyable to shoot except the 25 since it was on wheels all the others you shot like a rifle and I mean to tell you it would make your eyes bleed. The worse one was the 55 used cordite as a propellant. Man shooting that thing was like being kicked by a mule. Wow. Oh and one other problem. Every time we would get invited to shot these monsters we would never get invited back. Ah my youth I have pictures of me with braces smiling away as I unload an entire belt through a Vicker's MG. Man if the powers to be ever come into my house and see the pictures and stuff man the news media would go crazy. Man I love it.

"Solidarity is the Key"
The best reason to own a 50BMG rifle is...
Because you can!

I held one in a gun shop a couple of weeks ago. Impressive! And the salesman said that they had already sold 6 of them. In Lincoln NE, no less! Price was under $3000, ammo runs around $1 - $1.50 each.

If the SHTF, I sure want to be behind on of them, not in front of it! VBG

See you at the rallies Saturday!