Washington Post Article on NRA


New member
One of the more unbiased articles I've read on the NRA in a while:

<A href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/daily/june99/nra19.htm"> Washington Post NRA Article </A>


[This message has been edited by rod (edited June 19, 1999).]
tks for posting that article.....I find it interesting that they fear baker...and from the tone of the article they seem to think he mobilizes us and not their actions...I do believe there is a symbiotic relationship between nra/members.......now lets find a way to drivea durn stake in there hearts...fubsy.
I think though that Gebhart's estimates of the proportions of the electorate for and against gun control were a little bit of wishful thinking.

The 1994 Democratic bloodbath could not have been accomplished by 2% of the electorate. The numbers were probably initially more in the gun controller's favor right after Columbine but they began to slip rapidly after the "national debate on gun control" began. People rightfully began to question whether something as horrible as middle class kids mass murdering their classmates could really be attributed to a mechanical device.

That's why Democrats wanted the big hurry-up after the school shooting. When you have no logical backing for your agenda you have to rely on hysteria and emotionalism to carry the day, and don't let them think about it too long or they might actually realize what they're doing.

Hysteria ... the currency of gun control.

Thanks for the link. I was amazed that the Post would print even a half-way even-handed article on the NRA. I thanked them and suggested that they do a follow-up titled "Gun Vote Gives HCI Biggest Legislative Loss in Years" and asked why no one complains about HCI's lobbying attempts. In the past I've gotten "thank yous" either from the reporter or the paper. I think they are so used to getting beat up all the time, they are surprised when they get a kudo or two. Hope it encourages them to do more of the same.
You know, you're right! As a registered illiberal, I've been quick to quill a message of disagreement, distaste, or explanation of canine ancestry to our opponents. But, too often, I've ignored our friends!

If we ignore our friends, and our enemies write scathing rebuttals to our friends, is it any wonder why news articles are slanted (to increase sales)?

Thanks, Oatka. I'll coax a few "warm fuzzies" out of my ole keyboard from time to time to let our comrades realize we appreciate their unbiased (that means, "on our side") reporting.
I agree, it was well done.

Just sent an email to Michael Abramowitz: abramowitz@washpost.com the National/Congressional editor, asking him to thank Edward Walsh for the article because I was unable to find a direct email address for Edward Walsh. Of course, I also thanked the editor for printing it.

Maybe this will help motovate more of the same from the press.

If I get a reply, I'll post it here.
