Washington House bill to fully legalize suppressors: write your reps!


New member
For those of you heartened by KS and MO's recent moves to legalise suppressors, there's yet another opening this year. WA attempted this maybe 5 years back and it got shot down, but now it's back again. Considering how interest and awareness of suppressors has increased greatly in recent years, and that firearms forums like this one have gotten better and better at organising grassroots effort, this might finally be the year when WA joins its neighbors in allowing folks to actually shoot their suppressors.

For those unfamiliar, WA currently allows ownership of cans, but not their usage, due to a kink in the law. The law was probably meant to actually ban them decades ago, but was poorly written, allowing folks to buy and keep cans, but making it a misdemeanor to actually shoot through them.

Legislation is currently underway to correct that kink and allow owners of legal suppressors/silencers to shoot with them in Washington. Even if you don't own a suppressor, this is still great new in terms of advancing gun rights in the Northwest. Please contact your elected reps and ask them to support this bill. Several THR members have already gotten emails back from reps saying "don't see a problem with this, will support it when it comes up."

http://apps.leg.wa.gov/documents/billdocs/2009-10/Pdf/Bills/House Bills/1604.pdf

Thanks for your support!

P.S.: WA members, wouldn't it be nice to be able to legally shoot this in WA?
