Washington Gun Ban


New member
i was wondering what happen when washington banned all handguns...did the people who own handgun have to turn them in?...did they get paid for it? what would happen if you moved there and owned a handgun?
Well, they didn't exactly ban them. What they did was require all pistols to be registered, then closed the registry in 1976. After that, no new pistols could be registered and no existing registered pistols could be transferred to another person. Since then, if you're caught with a pistol that was not already registered to you, in D.C., prior to '76 then it's confiscated and you're prosecuted.
Nice to know the seat of the federal government is more unconstitutional then Kali.
It's really clear the founding fathers totally understood the fear politicians have of firearms, and how they would make it an exclusive right, so they could control the masses....
the court case is to see if the ban is 'legal'... until then there is a ban... interesting thing is until I got on these type forums a few years back and got a CWP I never knew there was one... Heck I brought a pistol into D.C. a number of times back in the early 80's. I wasn't about to spend a week on Capital hill walking around with out one.

Now over the past few years I've had to visit D.C. to do some work twice.. and I left my carry piece across the river... but then 90% of the time I was in the city I had at least one guy with not only a Sig pistol but sometype of sub machine gun or black rifle watching 'over' me.

After the court decides the ban is unconstitutional (we hope) then what D.C. will do is just take one tiny step back and make it near impossible to get a permit to own a gun... not quite totally impossible but close to it.
then what D.C. will do is just take one tiny step back and make it near impossible to get a permit to own a gun

That's why we have to hope the SCOTUS votes to recognize the words 'shall not be infringed'. :D
My then 15 year old daughter did a summer program last year in D.C. My wife was interested in getting her some sort of CS or pepper spray. I had to tell her it was a misdemeanor for my daughter to possess it. We drove her there and it would have been a felony for us to hand her a small can once in D.C.

The D.C. laws aren't just about handguns, it is about stripping people of their ability to defend themselves.
Just a little more FYI

The DC handgun "ban" which went into effect in 1976 (and a fine Bicentennial present it was) not only froze the number of legal handguns in the city, but also prohibits those guns (and I believe long guns as well) from being loaded or even fully assembled inside the District of Columbia!

Although proponents of the measure claim that the contined and increased violence with guns is because of the easy availability of handguns in surrounding Virginia and Maryland, only DC where the virtual ban is in effect has suffered the same levels of violence.

As an interesting sidenote to the ban, (and a poignient commentary on the elitist midset) some years back the noted columnist Carl Rowan, who had for years written that only the police and the military should be allowed handguns, he used an "unregistered" (and therefore illegal) handgun to "defend" himself from a 17 year old who had hopped over his backyard fence and was swimming in his pool. Rowan's comment on the situation was that as long as the city was awash in guns and violence he would defend himself and his family. His political connections kept him from facing any serious charges.

Political connections allow the Washington elite (both in and out of direct government service) to avoid the penalties of illegal firearms posession, if they even bother to have guns themselves, as most of them are provided government protection, or pay for armed private security.

Back in the later 70s, one of Ted Kennedy's (private) personal secuity detail got caught carrying his UZI (yes, the submachinegun) into the Capitol building. Kennedy immediately marched across the street to Justice, and got the charges quashed. One more example of the power elite using their influence to get for themselves what is denied to the rest of us by law.

And also please note that the handgun Vince Foster used to commit "suicide" was in violation of the DC law.