Was I dreaming or....

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Futo Inu

New member
Was there a thread with many celebrity cameo appearances. Kodiac, did you shower, shave, and shine your shoes yet?

Seriously I have a real question RELATED TO an issue in that closed thread. There was some discussion there, among other things, about the safety of the .400 Corbon round. I don't want to gett into that per se. There was also a posting somewhere recently where someone warned of a kb with a .400 corbon round that had had the bullet jammed in tight due to a former ftf, raising pressures dramatically and KB! (the short neck make for a less tight hold on the bullet). OK, now I have had many of the jammed ftfs while manually cycling some 400 corbons as I mentioned elsewhere. And these are Corbon factories, so they're loaded hot already.

So, my question is: What is the proper OAL for .400 corbon rounds with 135 gr and 150 gr JHPs, so I can check these before firing? I like the letter K ("kiss", "kinky", my brother "Ken"), and I like the letter B ("beautiful", "bikini", "bratwurst"), but they lose most of their appeal when put together.

All should mic at 1.200" OAL. If you're getting jams while manually cycling the rounds I'm not so sure I'd want to shoot them in that gun until I had it adjusted. Something sounds a tad off, feedramp, magazines, whatever, as this shouldn't be happening.

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