Was detailing new acquisition today, ...


New member
a S&W M39-2.
Stripped it down and soaked overnight in kerosene and dries it and toothbrushed it with oldshooter choice, dried it and lightly lube with "Ssuper Lube"

re-assembled slide and frame and mated the two sub-assemblies and racked and pulled the triger, NOTHING.

Repeated the lube and re-assembly for two hours...

then it HIT me!!!

Magazine safety needed the MAG for operation. :( :p
That's the worst haha.

I really dislike mag disconnect safeties for this very reason. After clearing and cleaning the gun, I have to put the mag back into the gun in order to clear and store it again. Not a huge deal, but irritating.
I only one pistol with a mag safety, and it is one I inherited and almost never shoot. It has stumped me in the same way. Nothing to do but grin and go on. I always try to laugh at myself, because everyone else is. ;)
This was almost as good as when I was...

pheasant hunting, and GINGER my Springer put a rooster up, went to rack a third shell into the chamber and shucked the forearm off my O/U!!! :eek:
This was almost as good as when I was...


pheasant hunting, and GINGER my Springer put a rooster up, went to rack a third shell into the chamber and shucked the forearm off my O/U!!!

Is there a video by chance? I would love to see the 5 seconds of "what just happened" look on your face before you realized what really happened...........
Good stuff jroth!

Back in the late 70's I ran across a 39 that really felt good and I did want the pistol but there was a 59 in the shop too. I really wanted the higher capacity of the 59 but it didn't fit me as well as the 39. Long story short (yeah I know, that boat has sailed) I dithered and dithered and didn't get either one.

I still have a soft spot in my heart for the S&W model 39.

Good luck with yours.
The Smith 39 was a history maker. First semi-auto ever put into service by a large police agency as standard issue. Illinois State Police.........The late 60's...... Imagine that. They were carrying a semi auto 30 years before most others went there.
Read some of that history long ago, found it very interesting.

Ex-brother-in-law had one which is how I became interested in them. As I remember he traded a Colt Trooper for it. That was back in the early 80's.
My first centerfire pistol was a model 39, wished I still had it. Best shot I ever made was a headshot on a coyote at 65 yards. Wish I still had the eyesight to do that again.
My 39-2 is one of my most prized possessions. It just FIT my hand when picked it up the first time, and is very accurate. At least, it makes me look more accurate than I really am.

Everyone needs to own one at least once in their gun-owning career. Or at least shoot one.

As has been said, first issued semi-auto in a big department. Someone please correct my old memory, wasn't it also the first bob-tail?

To think about the history it made with each shot makes it a special experience, indeed.